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A novel by Mary Shelley

The story



Scape room

The author




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Mary Shelley was born in London in 1797. She was a writer, recognized for being the author of Frankenstein.

mary's life

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In 1814, she started a relationship with Percy Shelley, with who she traveled to France, being pregnant with a kid when she was arriving to England, who sadly died after getting born. Percy and Mary married in 1816. That year they traveled to Switzerland, where Mary had the wonderful idea of writing Frankenstein, not knowing the impact the novel would have.

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In 1818 they moved to Italy, where both of her kids died. After a long time Mary had another child, who was the only who survived. In 1822, Percy Shelley died getting drown with his sailboat. Mary returned to England to continue his professional carreer. Mary contracted a brain tumor that ended up stealing her life in 1851.

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5. places

4. themes

3. the story

2. characters

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1. the creation

1. the creation

The story was first written in the summer of 1816 after a competition between the writer, Percy and Lord Byron to see who wrote the best horror story. The piece was published anonymously eight months later when the author was only eighteen years old and it received mixed emotions. "Frankenstein" was the author's first work. In 1831 another version was published and in that edition the egalitarian family unit was significantly undercut.

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2. characters


the monster

victor frankenstein

the girlfriend

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The scientist

The creation of Victor Frankenstin

A victim

Frankenstein's girlfriend

3. the story

Robert Walton, while he was traveling to the North Pole, saw a sleigh driven by a gigantic figure, followed by another sled. As the man on the second sled was in poor health the sailors saved him. The ship’s crew asked him why he was there, so the man said his name was Victor Frankenstein and started telling his story. Victor was obsessed with the idea of giving life to inanimate matter, so he gave life to a creature by assembling parts of corpses, but when the creature came to life, Victor fled terrified, leaving it alone. After a few days, his brother William was killed by the monster, but the housekeeper Justine was accused instead, so Frankenstein started to seek for the creature in the mountains, and when he found it, the monster told him his story.

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4. themes and genre

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Transgressive science


life and death


Frankenstein, published in 1818, is a blend of Romanticism and Gothic literature, blending mystery, secrecy, and unsettling psychology to tell the story of Victor Frankenstein's monster. The novel challenges traditional Gothic supernatural elements, with the monster's origins being deliberate and not mysterious. Frankenstein also inaugurates the genre of science fiction, with many critics citing it as one of the first examples of this genre, which speculates about possible applications for advances in science and technology.

5. places

Click on the spots to know moreabout the different places where the action happens.

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North pole

geneva and the alps

orkney islands

LOndon and edimburgh

The year without summer

That summer temperatures where very low because of some volcano eruptions so Mary Shelley and her frinds were bored!

Curious facts

about Frankenstein

The name

The name Frankenstein is used for the scientist and not for the monster

The first horror movie

Frankenstein was one of the first horror movies in history, created by Thomas Edison in 1910. It has inspired more than 130 moves!


This name is used to referr to food that has been genetically modified.

First sci-fi book

Mary Shelly was the first to write science fiction.

Organ transplant

Although in the times of Mary Shelly science didn't allow to transplant organs, at present organs transplantations safe lots of lives!

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answer the questions



activity 1

read the definitions and find the words in the text.

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The place where Frankenstein was born.

The living creature Frankenstein creates.

The police finds this in a pocket.

The type of po wer Frankenstein uses for his experiment.

The places where Frankenstain creates the monster.

The person killed by the monster.

activity 2

answer true or false

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The monster has a wife.

The monster's name is Frankenstein.

The monster needs blood to live.

The scientist loves the creature.

The mosnter speaks English.

The creature is mean from the beginning.

activity 3

WHO says this?

the scientist

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the monster

the victim

"I am the unhappiest creature in the world, but I have to fight for my life"

activity 3

well done!

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next question

activity 3


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The monster


WHO says this?

"Now is the time, save me and help me!"

activity 3

well done!

next question

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sorry wrong answer

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