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The Aborigines

The Aboriginal People Are the first people of Australia , They Have lived for more than 50,000 years . Almost all Aboriginal people were semi-nomandic, meaning they would move from place to place . The aboriginal people lived in harmonie with the nature and bond with the aborigines and their land were inseparable .

The image of the aborigines people (50 000 years ago)


The First People of Australia

The Aboriginal People


The Aboriginal People Favorite Food

Aboriginal Coast

The Aboriginal Culture it's divers .They lived in differents environment like : Desert , Inland , Coast and they eat healthy food .

The Aboriginal Culture

The signe of peace of the aboriginal people

Aboriginal people arrived in Australia about 50,000 years ago. Almost all of the Aboriginal people were semi-nomadic,meaning they would move from place to place. They always create shelters to live temporary in the arena . They used to hunt for food with spears and stuff, when the british colony arrived the aborigines life changed.

The british gouvernement were sent to start a new colony in Australia in 1788. They tought that there was no one on the land so they came . When they saw the aborignes they decided to claim the land because the British people tought the aborigines had no right to be here.

The Aboriginal History

Garli (Boomerang)
Woomera (Spear)


Wurley (Shelters)
Stolen Generation

The Aboriginal People now are diminuing and now only 3% of them are living in Australia .

Children take from their parents were taught to reject their indigenouse heritage. Their names were often changed. And they were forbidden to speak their traditional languages. Some children were adopted by white families and some of them were placed in the institutions.

Between 1910 - 1970, many indigenous children were forcibly removed from their families . The removal of indigenous children from their families was part of the policy of Assimilation based on the assumption of black inferiority and white superiority.

The Stolen Generation

The Aboriginal Flag

The black symbolises the Aboriginal people, the red represents the earth and the colour of ochre used in Aboriginal ceremonies, and the circle of yellow represents the sun, the constant renewer of life.

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