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ANglo, saxons and Jutes



By: Gunther Franke

Who were the Anglo, Saxons and Jutes?

They were Germanic people who migrated to britain in the 5th century. They originated from present day Denmark and Northern Germany

They are often grouped into Anglo-Saxons becuase of their linguistic and cultural similarities.

Geographical locations

Angles went to northhumbia and mercia saxons went to east anglia jutes went to essex

East Anglia

Northhumbia and Mercia


Viking Invasions

The Vikings reached Britain and destroyed and took everything they could. They did not contribute much to culture. This marked the end for Anglo-Saxons. The only thing left was their contributions to culture, language and locations.


Jutes remained in britain and contributed their heirchical structure with kings, warriors and commonfolk; farming; oral tradition; surprise attack strategies and shipmaking skills.

Northcumbia and Mercia

East Anglia
