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Financing 101

Understanding Our Financial Products


Lender Portfolio

Dealer Fees


Customer Analysis

This course will cover the basics of all of our financial products

Loans to Third Party Ownership Options



Solar + Roof



Service Finance

Solar + Roof


Solar + Roof

All partners offer great rates, zero upfront, and fleixble loan options!

SmartRoof Lender Portfolio


Lender Portfolio

Dealer Fees


Customer Analysis

Service Finance




  • The lower the APR, the higher the dealer Fee.
  • The higher the APR, the lower the dealer fee
  • Lenders in the solar and home improvement industry incorporate these into the loan the customer pays
  • Finding which APR/Dealer Fee option to pitch comes down to understanding your customers wants, needs, and objectives.
  • Applies only to Loan Products

Key Points

The dealer fee is specified as a percentage amount that is added onto the loan principal, increasing the amount that the customer has to pay down.

Dealer Fees



Example Dealer Fee

Loan Amount

10% APR

6.99% APR

5.99% APR

2.99% APR


Lender Portfolio

Dealer Fees


Customer Analysis


Lender Portfolio

Dealer Fees


Customer Analysis


Account Executive

Customer Profile 2(Pays $290 for electric bill

  • Makes 250K/year
  • Wants to contribute to green energy
  • Loves to save money for retirement


Graphic Design

Customer Profile 1(Pays $285 for electric bill)

  • Just bought a house + car
  • Has 2 kids in day care
  • Works full time
  • Husband works from home

Let's take two customers side by side and compare which one to offer low APR, High dealer fee and which on to offer higher APR, low dealer fee.

What we know? PPW $3.85 at 10.66 kW

System Cash Price: $41,041

Two Loan Options:3.99% 25 years7.99% 25 yearsWhich one fits what profile?


Lender Portfolio

Dealer Fees


Customer Analysis

Example Scenario:

This an example of a 13.3% dealer fee with lower lown amount and still a great monthly payment.

This is an example of a 35% dealer fee but offers the lowest monthly payment at high loan amount.

Option B as Tyler does not mind his bill. He just wants to see savings. He is retirement focused so if he sees long term savings and sees this as an investment, he would appreciate a lower loan principal as he would want this paid off sooner be debt free.

Option A 3.99% with the lowest monthly payment as Anna has many different expenses in the home and quite expensive ones now that she got a house and a car. She owould most likely appreciate the lowest MONTHLY payment possible when considering going solar.