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“The teacher must adopt the role of facilitator, not content provider.”— Lev S. Vygotsky

"The learner should be actively involved in the learning process." — Malcolm Knowles

'The pipe is more important than the content within the pipe."—George Siemens

Society is in a digital age and adding technology to learning is the new norm. Constant connectedness allows for the user to have options regarding learning while promoting discussion boards and collaboration showcasing learning outside the person (Connectivism Learning Theory, 2021).

Connectivism& Memory

This theory introduced in 2005, offers the idea that general information, thoughts, and theories should be combined in a way that is useful to the student (Connectivism Learning Theory, 2021).

George Siemens & Stephen Downes

Seeing learners as "nodes" in a network means each is connected to something else. By making connections between vast forms of information, retention of prior learned experiences can be fostered (Connectivism Learning Theory, 2021).

Connectivism& Learning

His belief is rooted in those around the learner (peers, parents, and caregivers) affect brain development and can differ among cultures due to varying degrees of social interaction (Cherry, 2022).

Lev Vygotsky

Guided learning occurs with the aid of a mentor on a task such as observing the educator perform the task first. Through this process, the student understands and retains the information and further uses it in their recall (Gowrie, n.d.).

Sociocultural & Memory

This theory resonates that social interaction is the key to cognitive learning. The premise focuses on those interactions with those deemed at a higher skill level than the learner. Mentor and mentee-type learning are most favored in this theory (Cherry, 2022).

Sociocultural & Learning

Since its inception in 1968, the Adult Learning Theory has been altered to add a pillar in 1984. The now five pillars include: self-concept, the adult learning experience, learning readiness, learning orientation, and motivation to learn (What is Adult Learning?, 2021).

Malcolm Knowles

Adult Learning Theory & Learning

Thanks to the Adult Learning Experience, adults can recall events from past experiences. The brain recognizes those past life experiences as important and therefore the newly connected information will be stored appropriately in long-term memory for easier future recall (Spear et al., (n.d.)

Adult Learning Theory & Memory

  1. Self-concept: Adults are independent learners meaning the focus is more on self-directed learning.
  2. Adult Learning Experience: Adults have obviously lived longer than children and therefore have more experiences to draw back on for new lessons.
  3. Learning Readiness: Adults focus his or her learning on where they are in life regarding roles and responsibilities such as being a new parent requires new skills.
  4. Learning Orientation: Adults can apply concepts to their routine lives shifting the focus from subject-based learning to problem-based learning.
  5. Motivation to Learn: Learning for adults is usually driven from a rewards based offset (What is Adult Learning?, 2021).