Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

with Chinese translation


  • 谨防签证和使馆诈骗
  • 接到中国大使馆电话?
  • 自称英国内政部/英国移民局/英国边境管理局官员
  • Beware of visa and embassy scams
  • Received a call from the Chinese Embassy?
  • Alleged Officers from UK Home Office/UK immigration/UKBA

Embassy Scams

Targeting speakers of Mandarin/Chinese. 针对讲普通话/中文的人

Hung up if not answer in Chinese. 他们一般会挂断, 如果没有听到用中文回答他们

Spoofing numbers ( eg: Phone number of Chinese Embassy,44-20-7299) 伪造号码(例如:中国大使馆的电话号码,44-20-7299)

Calls are in Chinese language, most commonly mandarin. 来电者使用中文通话,最常见的是普通话。

Chinese Embassy Scams-Language

  • Caller claims to represent the Chinese embassy/Consulate-General
  • Insist your ID has been stolen
  • “Chinese government’s assistance in the matter.”
  • “A warrant has been issued for your arrest because a failure to pay”
" 因未付款而对你发出逮捕令"
  • international fines/taxes, etc.
  • A package that has been sent to the consulate for you to pick up.
有包裹发送至领事馆, 等待您领取
  • Fabricated kidnappings /or accidents.

Chinese Embassy Scam-how they scam you: 诈骗话术

Embassy Scam-how they scam you: 诈骗话术

  • Notification of letters/parcels
  • Notification of passports /other documents.
  • “Abnormal usage of your NHS number”
"您的 NHS 号码被非正常使用"
  • International parcels being delivered from DHL
通知你有由 DHL 投递的国际包裹
  • Represent “Bank of China”, “China Mobile ” “Chinese police”, etc.
自称“中国银行”、“中国移动”、“中国警察”等, 给你打电话
  • Illegal currency exchange/online transaction, etc.
宣称你有 "非法货币兑换/网上交易等"
  • Mistakes were noticed in your passports, visa forms, immigration form, etc. ( ask to send deposit money to rectify mistakes, or else you get deported/imprisoned)
宣称您的护照、签证表格、移民表格等被发现有错误(要求寄出押金以纠 正错误,否则您将被驱逐出境/监禁)
  • Chinese students at British colleges.
  • Chinese residents living in the UK.
  • Speaking limited English makes an individual more vulnerable
有些受害者英语能力有限, 更加处于弱势
  • Hesitate to report to local police
  • Difficult to communicate their concerns to authorities
受害者无法向权威机构准确表达他们的担忧100 million yuan between Jan and Sep 2023 (according to Manchester Chinese Consulate General ) - 2023年1月至2023年9月期间此类诈骗金额高达1亿元人民币(根据曼彻斯特中国总领事馆数据)One individual reported a loss of $1.5 million (New York) -单个受害人报告损失 150 万美元(纽约)

victims 受害者


They create fear and urgency. 他们制造恐惧和紧迫感。

Some might do their research and have knowledge of your information. 有些人可能已经对你进行搜索研究, 并掌握了您的信息.

Same language as the victim results greater level of believability. 与受害者使用相同的语言, 提高可信度。

Caller ID are from spoofing numbers. 来电显示来自伪造仿冒号码。

Why those scams are successful

Refrain on sharing personal information, such as your full birth date, address, or family members on social media. 避免在社交媒体上分享个人信息,例如您的完整出生日期、地址或家庭成员。

Do not click on any links in a suspicious email. 不要点击可疑电子邮件中的任何链接

Do not respond or open text messages , like “a refund”, “missed delivery” 不要回复或点击打开短信链接,例如“退款”、“错过送货”

Do not call them back using the number they provide! 不要使用他们提供的号码给他们回电! ( 或直接回拨)

Ask for their name and where they are calling, using the authentic phone number found online to call them back if needed. 询问他们的姓名和电话号码,如果有需要,可以使用官网上的电话号码给他们回电。

Never disclose personal information over the phone if you did not originate the call. 如果不是您主动拨打过去电话的,切勿通过电话透露个人信息。

How to prevent 如何预防

  • Any suspicious “phishing” or scam emails you receive since or prior to the incident, can be forwarded to report@phishing.gov.uk (NCSC)
您收到的任何可疑“网络钓鱼”或诈骗电子邮件都可以转发至 report@phishing.gov.uk (NCSC)
  • Scam texts (smishing) can be forwarded free of charge to number 7726. (it alerts your mobile provider to investigate the number and potentially block it.)
诈骗短信(诈骗)可以免费转发到号码 7726。(它会提醒您的移动电话供应商调查该号码并 可能阻止它行骗。
  • Report to your local police (999-urgent, 101-non urgent, Merseyside police contact centre-facebook)
向当地警察报警(999-紧急,101-非紧急,Merseyside police contact centre-facebook)
  • Report to Action Fraud 0300 123 2040.
向Action Fraud 举报 0300 123 2040
  • Report to your university, employers, support workers, etc.

How to report 如何举报

Thank you for watching感 谢 观 看Any questions?
    Judy 0052 FIB Cyber Dependant Crime Unit. 0052@merseyside.police.uk Website: www.merseyside.police.uk