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USH: Module 4 Jeopardy

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What was a cultural, social, and artistic movement that emerged in the 1920s in New York City?It was a celebration & spreading of African American culture, fostering the creation of art, literature, music, and intellectual ideas.

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+100 points


Learn 4.1 Parts I & II

What is...

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The Harlem Renaissance?

What was one of the deadliest racial conflicts in U.S. history, resulting in the destruction of the prosperous Greenwood District, known as "Black Wall Street"?

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+200 points

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What are...

The Tulsa Race Riot?

If your answer is correct,you win 200pts

Question 3/4

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+300 points

Learn 4.1 Parts I & II

What was the primary purpose of the Indian Citizenship Act?


What is...

to grant U.S. citizenship on all American Indians born within the territorial limits of the United States? This act was a recognition of the contributions and sacrifices made by American Indians , particularly during World War I, where many served in the U.S. military.

If your answer is correct,you win 300pts

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Question 4/4

+400 points

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What does it mean by disenfranchisement?

What is...

the action of taking away the right to vote from a person or group?

If your answer is correct,you win 400pts

Learn 4.1 Parts I & II




Learn 4.1 Part III

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Learn 4.1 Part III

Question 1/4

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+100 points

What were the sit-down strikes?


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Workers, such as those in the auto industry, engaged in sit-down strikes? For instance, in the famous Flint Sit-Down Strike of 1936-1937, General Motors employees occupied the factories, disrupting production until their demands for better working conditions were met.

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Question 2/4

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+200 points

How did companies respond to strikes?

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the U.S. Steel during the 1919 steel strike, sought court injunctions to halt union activities. This legal tactic aimed to maintain control over labor and prevent disruptions in production.

If your answer is correct,you win 200pts

Question 3/4

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+300 points

Why did socialism and communism gain appeal?

Learn 4.1 Part III

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What is...

The appeal lay in the promise of a more equitable economic system for those who felt left behind by the growing economy?


What allowed individuals to purchase items on credit? For instance, families could buy a radio or a sewing machine and pay in small, manageable installments.

Learn 4.1 Part III

Question 4/4

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+400 points

What is...

Installment buying?

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Learn 4.1 Part III




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Question 1/4


What were causes contributing to an unstable American economy?

What is...

overproduction of agricultural products, greater speculation and buying on margin in the Stock Market, & the Government’s pro-business and laissez-faire policies ?

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Why is October 29, 1929, also known as Black Tuesday significant?

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The Stock Market crashed?

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What was President Hoover's response to the Great Depression?

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Hoover pursued a philosophy of limited government intervention, believing that voluntary cooperation among businesses and individuals would lead to economic recovery?

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Question 4/4

+400 points

What was the significance of the 1932 Presidential election?

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The combination of Hoover's perceived inaction, the Bonus Army March, and the prevalence of Hoovervilles contributed to widespread dissatisfaction. In the 1932 presidential election, Franklin D. Roosevelt presented a New Deal platform, promising a more active role for the federal government in addressing the economic crisis. Roosevelt's decisive victory reflected a public desire for change and a shift away from Hoover's approach.

What is...

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Question 1/4

+100 points

In what ways does President Roosevelt shift government policies during the Great Depression, as seen in his First Inaugural Address ?


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Roosevelt's address reflected a departure from previous notions of limited government intervention? The speech marked the beginning of a new era where the federal government would play a more prominent role in addressing economic issues and providing social welfare.

What new federal agency employed young, unemployed men in environmental conservation projects? They made valuable contributions to forest management, flood control, conservation projects, and the development of state and national parks, forests, and historic sites. It addressed both unemployment and environmental issues.


+200 points

Question 2/4

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What is...

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)?

If your answer is correct,you win 200pts


+300 points

Question 3/4

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What were causes to the Dust Bowl?


What are...

Overcultivation, drought, & high winds?

If your answer is correct,you win 300pts

+400 points

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Question 4/4

What was the impact of the Dust Bowl?

What is...

Environmental Degradation, Economic Hardship, & Health Issues?

If your answer is correct,you win 400pts

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