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Career Readiness Education


  • Secured 16 out of 28 new CRE courses
  • Replaced 10 Cengage courses
Annual Goals
  • 28 new CRE courses
  • 27 Cengage courses replaced

Game-Based Learning


  • Published 55 AR activities in science & social studies
  • 7,085 unique users in Stride Minecraft Worlds
  • 20% click rate in Minecraft
  • Released SCAD Storykeepers with a 4-star rating
  • Released 10 Math Bee games with a 4-star rating
  • 38,400 monthly active users in Stride Skills Arcade

Annual Goals

  • 60% Minecraft click rate
  • 2,000 Minecraft unique users
  • 31 new math & ELA games
  • 50 new social studies & science AR experiences
  • 55k Stride Skills Arcade monthly active users

Customer Satisfaction


  • 4.2 overall course star rating
  • 55% courses with 5-star rating
Annual Goals
  • 4.5 star rating across courses

Professional Development


  • Launched Science of Reading training
  • 70% module 1 completion rate
Annual Goals
  • 85% completion rate

Big Universe


  • Secured contract and started work for March launch of Learning Hub Library (Big U 2.0)
  • Added 13% more books for a total of 26,947 books
  • 46,677 monthly active users
Annual Goals
  • Increase books by 20% (target = 28,572)
  • Increase monthly active users by 10%

Learning Hub

FY23-24 Q2Accomplishments & Goals


  • Met goal of 90% of MPS teachers
  • Created 6,449 learning objects
Annual Goals
  • 90% teacher usage
  • 300k monthly active users
  • 8,800 learning objects created