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Definition: the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scopeImportance: Each type of writing center model uses a different epistemology.

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  • “informed by a theory of knowledge as socially constructed” (Lunsford 41)
  • “centers for collaboration” (41)
  • Based “on the notion of knowledge as always contextually bound” (41)
  • “Such a Center would place control, power, and authority not in the tutor or staff, not in the individual student, but in the negotiating group. It would engage students not only in solving problems set by teachers but in identifying problems for themselves” (41)

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  • “they see knowledge as interior, as inside the student, and the writing center’s job as helping students get in touch with this knowledge, as a way to find their unique voices, their individual and unique powers” (Lunsford 38)
  • “the tutor or teacher listens, voices encouragement, and essentially serves as validation of the student’s “I-search” (38)
  • Based on "Platonic or absolutist ideals" (41)
  • “invest power and control in the student knower” (40)


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  • “knowledge as exterior to us and directly accessible” (Lunsford 37)
  • Storehouse Centers work by “prescribing and handing out skills and strategies to individual learners” (37)
  • “based on positivistic principles” (41)

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