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2024 - 2025
Miss Phillips's

Agenda colores
Contact Info
Important Dates
Work-Ready Wednesday
Graduation Pathways
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2024 - 2025

Miss Phillips's hOMEROOMShop

Agenda colores

Contact Info

Important Dates

Work-Ready Wednesday

Graduation Pathways

CCA Links

Seniors ONLY


Got Questions?



Cap & Gown Registration & Ceremony Registration

Each ceremony will be livestreamed & graduates will have the option to participate in-person or virtually at the location of their choice.

Giant Center

    • Date: TBD
    • Time: 6 PM
    • Location: 550 Hersheypark Dr.Hershey, PA 17033

UPMC Cooper Fieldhouse

    • Date: TBD
    • Time: TBD
    • Location: Duquesne University, 1304 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15282

The Liacouras Center

    • Date: TBD
    • Time: TBD
    • Location: Temple University, 1776 North Broad St.Philadelphia, PA 19121

Completed required 21 credits (see below)

Graduation Checklist

Seniors Only

Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza

    • Date: TBD
    • Time: TBD
    • Location: 255 Highland Park Blvd.Wilkes-Barre Township, PA 18702



Met Graduation Pathway


Seniors Only

Graduation Ceremonies


Got Questions?

Cap & Gown Registrations

Learning Coaches

  1. Log into your caretaker edio account.
  2. Click on “Profile” in the menu at the bottom left of your screen.
  3. Click on “Forms & Testing”.
  4. Click on “Fill Out” on the “Parent Portal” tile.
    1. If you have more than one enrolled child, please select the graduating student’s name at the top of the screen.
  5. Click on “Forms” in the left menu.
  6. Click on “2024 Cap & Gown Registration” under the heading “Graduation”.
  7. Complete the form and click “Submit”.


  1. Log into your student edio account.
  2. While logged into edio, open a new tab in your browser and click the following link:
  3. Click on “Forms” in the left menu.
  4. Click on “2024 Cap & Gown Registration” under the heading “Graduation”.
  5. Complete the form and click “Submit”.

Ceremony Registrations

Learning Coaches

  1. Log into your caretaker edio account.
  2. Click on “Profile” in the menu at the bottom left of your screen.
  3. Click on “Forms & Testing”.
  4. Click on “Fill Out” on the “Parent Portal” tile.
    1. If you have more than one enrolled child, please select the graduating student’s name at the top of the screen.
  5. Click on “Forms” in the left menu.
  6. Click on “2024 Graduation Registration” under the heading “Graduation”.
  7. Complete the form and click “Submit”.


  1. Log into your student edio account.
  2. While logged into edio, open a new tab in your browser and click the following link:
  3. Click on “Forms” in the left menu.
  4. Click on “2024 Graduation Registration” under the heading “Graduation”.
  5. Complete the form and click “Submit”.


Other Languages






career and technical

This Pathway may NOT be used if the studentonly has 1 Numeric Keystone Score.

= Score of 4452 or higher

0 Non-Numeric Proficient + 3 Numeric Keystones

= Score of 2939 or higher

1 Non-Numeric Proficient + 2 Numeric Keystones

Alternative Assessment

Evidence Based

Pass Keystone Exam-eligible courses (Biology, Algebra I, and English 10) plus ONE of the options provided:

Career and Technical Education Concentrator, alternate assessment, and evidence based pathways

No Keystone Scores Below Basic At least one Proficient or Advanced Keystone

Keystone Composite Pathway

Proficient or Advanced on the Algebra I, Biology, and Literature Keystone Exams. Students who passed courses in Algebra I, Biology and Literature (ELA 10), during the 2019-2020 school year earned non-numeric Proficient scores and are also eligible for this Pathway

Keystone Proficiency Pathway

In addition to passing your courses & earning the required credits, students must complete a Graduation Pathway as required by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Students needs to meet ONE of the 5 Pathways.

Including Work Based Learning Experiences

They allow you to add additional info

They illustrate what you want to say

Graduation Pathways

Graduation Pathways

+ Screenshot

Keystone Proficiency Pathway

Steps for Keystone Registration –

    1. Log into your Caretaker edio account
    2. Click on your child’s name on the dashboard and select “Profile”.
    3. Click on the “Forms & Testing” tab as shown below.
    4. Click on “Fill Out” on the appropriate Keystone Exam tile (Algebra, Biology, or Literature) as shown below and complete the registration process.

Link to Keystone Registration

Steps for Keystone Registration –

    1. Log into your Caretaker edio account
    2. Click on your child’s name on the dashboard and select “Profile”.
    3. Click on the “Forms & Testing” tab as shown below.
    4. Click on “Fill Out” on the appropriate Keystone Exam tile (Algebra, Biology, or Literature) as shown below and complete the registration process.

Link to Keystone Registration

*** Students who passed courses in Algebra I, Biology and Literature (ELA 10), during the 2019-2020 school year earned Non-Numeric Proficient scores and are also eligible for this Pathway. ***

Keystone composite Pathway

+ Screenshot

Work-Based Learning Experiences


Career and Technical Education Pathway. (Caretakers may remember these as Vo-techs.) Engagement in the trades is something CCA can really get behind – that’s where the jobs are! But instead of a Career and Technical Center -where the road ends with Gr. 12 - CCA really leans into robust postsecondary partnerships in the trades via the Evidence-Based Graduation Pathway, where you’ll find two options:

  • “Successful completion of any concurrent or postsecondary course” allows students to begin their post-secondary studies while they’re still in high school! We call these CHS at CCA and the best part of these options are the stackable credentials students can earn. These credentials mean better jobs with higher pay!
  • “Acceptance into an institution of higher education” – this means admission to a trade or technical school, a community college, or any postsecondary school relative to the student’s interest.

Work-Based Learning Experiences

Career and Technical Education

SAT 1010



ACT 21

AP3 on Biology Algebra Literature

IB4 Keystone Content

Pre-Apprenticeship completion

Acceptance into a four-year institution of higher educaton

ACT WorkKeys Gold Level

Choose One



+ Link


+ info


+ info



Alternative Assessment

ACT 158 toolkit

Keystone Aligned ib Exams


Workbased Learning Experiences

Evidence Based

  • SAT Subject Test -630
  • ACT WorkKeys- Silver Level
  • AP-3 (any AP Exam)
  • IB- 3 (any IB Exam)
  • Industry-recognized credential
  • Acceptance into an institution of higher education
  • Successful completion of any concurrent or postsecondary course

Choose ONE or more

  • Keystone Proficient or Advanced (Non-Numeric Proficient or NNP may also be used)
  • Service-Learning Project
  • Full-Time employment or military enlistment letter
  • Internship, Externship, Co-Op
  • Compliance with NCAA

Choose no more than two

Important Dates

Write an awesome subtitle
Contextualize your topic

How to sign up

CCA Official Site

CCA Field Trips

CCA Clubs

Career Readiness

Comet's Tech Closet

CCA Links

Change of Schedule

‘Your content is good, but it’ll engage much more if it’s interactive.’ -Genially

CCA Links

Meetings will occur every other Wednesday!

Link to Zoom room (TBD)

JOIN (Dates / Times/ Location TBD)

Meeting Dates ....

Work-Ready WednesdayS

Homeroom AdVisory Period

Download the school calendar here.

Click on the month to the left to see what is going on at CCA that month!


Keep checking back! Information and materials will be uploaded as I receive them.

Important Dates


Important Dates





  • https://cometscloset.ccaeducate.me
  • Visit this website for all of your technological needs!


  • (844) 590-2864 press 1
  • ccaenroll@ccaeducate.me

Tech Support

  • 844-590-2864 press 2
  • ccatech@ccaeducate.me

Principal Mrs. Celeste Beard-Ward cbeardward@ccaeducate.me

School Counselor

  • Mrs. Ashley Brown
  • abrown@ccaeducate.me
  • (570) 323-1182 ext. 16244
  • Bookings link: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/MrsBrownsSchoolCounselingCheckIns@ccaeducate.me/bookings/

Assistant Principal

  • Mrs. Melissa Bialis
  • mbialis@ccaeducate.me

Homeroom Teacher

  • Mary Phillips
  • Dickson City Office
  • mphillips@ccaeducate.me
  • (570) 483-2830 ext. 15194
  • Bookings link: https://outlook.office.com/bookwithme/user/11c5b2e9b6454c8a859b5ceef80faaa7@ccaeducate.me?anonymous&ep=plink

Contact Info

Contact Info

Students and families can view and register for a variety of clubs through edio using the following steps:


CCA club registrations will open on Tuesday, October 10, 2023, with the first meetings of clubs taking place during the week of October 16.
  • 1. Log in to your edio account;
  • 2. Click on “Community” in the left menu;
  • 3. Click on the “Clubs” tab;
  • 4. View and learn about what club(s) fit with your child’s grade level, interests, and schedule;
  • 5. When you have determined the club(s) in which your child will participate, click on “Join Club”; and
  • 6. Enter the information requested and then click on “Add Selected”.

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