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The Circulatory and Respiratory Systems

Know your body from within
Learners can:

Identify functions of the circulatory and respiratory systems

Identify the components of the circulatory and respiratory systems

Key Vocabulary

Circulatory System
Respiratory System


What is a heart pumping exercise?


Jumping Jacks

What makes up the ciruclatory System?



Blood Vessels


What is the purpose of the heart?




Blood Vessels

Blood vessels include the following:

  • Arteries
  • Veins
  • Capillaries
What do you think are the functions of these three?


White Blood Cells


Blood is made up of the following: Liquid called plasma Solid parts including:

  • Red Blood Cells
  • White Blood Cells
  • Platelets
Movement of the blood is called CIRCULATION.

Red Blood Cells

Question #1

Question #2

Question 3

Breath in oxygen

Full Process

Breath out CO2

What is the function of the circulatory system?

Parts of the Respiratory SYtem

An Awesome Title

How do these two systems work together?

The two systems work together by circulating blood and oxygen throughout the body. Blood moves in and out of the heart through arteries and veins. Veins carry oxygen depleted blood back to the heart and arteries carry oxygen rich blood from the heart to be sent to the rest of the body including the lungs.

Circulatory System

Respiratory System

Question #1


Question #3

You can start your response with: The respiratory and circulatory system are connected because.....

Exit ticket

Please direct message me the answer to the following question: Explain how the respiratory system and circulatory system in your body are connected.

Veins are blood vessels that collect blood that is poor in oxygen and return it to the heart.

Did you know..

Every pound of fat you gain, you add about a mile worth of blood vessels

Up to 70% of your blood is located in your veins

  • Deliver oxygen and nutrients to cells across the body
  • If all of your blood vessels could stretch out into one straight line, it would stretch around the earth almost 2 1/2 times!
Platelets:Disc shaped cell fragments responsible for clotting (stop bleeding)

One drop of blood contains as up to 1,500,000 to 4,000,000 platelets

Produced in bone marrow

White blood cells: Protect against infections and germs.

Make up less than 1% of total blood

Much larger than red blood cells

  • Your heart beats 100,000 times a day (that's over 350,000,000 beats a year!
  • Size of your fist
  • The heart pumps up to 5 quarts a minute!

Did you know...Arteries transport blood away from the heart!

Regulate blood pressure

Control blood flow

Did you know...We retain 42% more information when the content moves? It is perhaps the most effective resource to capture the attention of your audience.

Pull air from outside of your body, your nasal passage joins the nostrils to the trachea/windpipe

Mouth and Nose

Cool Title

Weighs between 7&15 ounces

DEFINE: The heart is a pump that is responsible for the continuous flow of blood through the blood vessels. It is positioned in the middle of the chest, slightly to the left.

Size of your fist

A curved sheet of muscles below the lungs which help in breathing.


  • There are 150 billion red blood cells in one ounce of blood (average body has 160 ounces)
  • It only takes 20-60 seconds for a drop of blood to travel from the heart, through your body, and back to your heart again.

Red Blood Cells: carry oxygen to the body and carbon dioxide to the lungs to be exhaled.

Tube like structure that connects your larynx (voice box) to the bronchi that are located in your lungs. Often called the windpipe.


Breathing organs in humans, which lie in the chest cavity, bound by the rib cage and the diaphragm.
  • The muscles of the rib cage and the diaphragm help with breathing in and out.
  • When breathing, the lungs take in oxygen from the air and pass it to your blood.


Main airways connecting to your lungs, one on the left and one on the right.


Did you know...Capillaries connect your arteries and veins. They transport blood, nutrients, and oxygen to cells in your ograns and body systems.

Cool Title

Walls of capillaries are just one cell thick

Smallest type of blood vessel