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Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Introduction to Science

Science and technology

Nowadays, science and technology develop almost at every moment of our lives. The presence of these two branches has been part of human development in such a way that sometimes we no longer realize the magnitude of participation they have. When we talk about technology, it is likely that some of the elements that we usually interact with throughout the day come to mind: cell phone, computer, portable devices and more.

Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Without science and technology there is no future

Both science and technology justify their existence in the search and development of products, services, media, tools and other entities, capable of satisfying human needs and life in general. Health problems have been solved thanks to science. and technology.

Welco me 6th gradrs!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Science and technology come together in biotechnology :

Biotechnology is a multidisciplinary field that develops or creates technological products and applications using living organisms, biological systems or derivatives thereof. This area of study and application combines biology, chemistry, genetics, microbiology, engineering and other related disciplines.

Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Socal Science experiences!

Science and technology in medicine:

It includes the development of drugs, gene therapies, cell therapies, medical diagnostics and vaccines. Genetic engineering and cell manipulation are essential areas in this field.

Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Science and technology in agriculture:

It focuses on improving plants and crops to make them more resistant to diseases, pests or adverse environmental conditions. It also covers the genetic engineering of plants to improve their nutritional quality.

Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Science and technology in food:

This is where you'll discover the wonders of our planet. From rocks and minerals to weather patterns and the water cycle, Earth science helps us understand the world we call home.

It involves the application of biotechnological techniques in the production and improvement of food. This may include fermenting foods, producing enzymes, and improving characteristics such as flavor and texture.

Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Environmental Biotechnology:

It focuses on the use of living organisms to address environmental problems, such as soil and water decontamination, waste management, and biofuel production.

Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Industrial Biotechnology :

It involves the use of living organisms or their products for the manufacture of chemicals, materials and other industrial products. Enzyme production and fermentation are common examples.

Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Marine Biotechnology:

It focuses on the application of biotechnology in marine environments, such as the improvement of aquaculture, the production of medicines from marine organisms and bioprospecting in oceans to discover new bioactive compounds.

Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Let's practice

Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Let's practice

Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Let's practice

Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Let's practice

Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Let's practice

Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Great job!

See you next time

6TH-SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-EN © 2023 by CASURID is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

SC.6.N.1.1 Define a problem from the sixth grade curriculum, use appropiate reference materials to support scientific understanding, plan and carry out sicentific investigation of vaious types, such as systematic observations or experiments, identify variables, collect and organize data, interpret data in cahrts, tables, and graphics, analyze information, make predictions, and defend conclusions. SC.6.N.1.2 Explain why scientific investigations should be replicable. SC.6.N.1.3 Explain the difference between an experiment and other types of scientific investigation, and explain the relative benefits and limitations of each. SC.6.N.1.4 Discuss, compare, and negotiate methods used, results obtained, and explanations among groups of students conducting the same investigation. SC.6.N.1.5 Recognize that science involves creativity, not just in designing experiments, but also in creating explanations that fit evidence.