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We've been learning a lot haven't we, now, we will review the so called tag questions but this time we're going to mix this topic with the present and past perfect, do you remember how to use present perfect and also past perfect ?

Remember that, we will do the next steps everytime you want to create a tag question CHECK THIS OUT1 Identify the grammar of the sentence (in this case present and past perfect)2 Invert the auxiliary and the subject ( remember she has /has she - he has / has he 3Turn the tag into a negative if it's positive then must to be ( has he /hasn't he - has she /hasn't she )4 Put this order at the end of the sentences (she has danced a lot at the party, hasn't she? )5 NOW YOUR TAG QUESTION IS DONE


Tag questions

+ Info

twins research

study +50 pts

the sentences game dare your skills

separated -75 pts

The bear had not been separated from his mother, had it?

amazed +80 pts

he had amazed all the audience, hadn't he_

started - 50 pts

free tag2 pts

The scientist had studied that, hadn't they?

i don´t used to climb trees but since i´m stronger i do it more often

do you used to go to the comercial center with your parents?

The ceremony master hadn't started the speech, had he?

i dont used to take English lessons but since i heard a song i have decided to learn the language

  • Genera experiencias con tu contenido.
  • Tiene efecto WOW. Muy WOW.
  • Logra que tu público recuerde el mensaje.
  • Activa y sorprende a tu audiencia.

Con las plantillas de Genially podrás incluir recursos visuales para dejar a tu audiencia con la boca abierta. También destacar alguna frase o dato concreto que se quede grabado a fuego en la memoria de tu público e incluso embeber contenido externo que sorprenda: vídeos, fotos, audios... ¡Lo que tú quieras!¿Necesitas más motivos para crear contenidos dinámicos? Bien: el 90% de la información que asimilamos nos llega a través de la vista y, además, retenemos un 42% más de información cuando el contenido se mueve.

¡Que fluya la comunicación!

¿Tienes una idea?

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