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Must read books for students

Most read spanish writers today


Pinturas rupestres

Cuevas de altamira

El Guernica


Paseo a orillas del mar

Joaquin sorolla

Persistencia de la memoria


Los fusilamientos del 3 de mayo


Las Meninas



Traditional spanishdances


Fandango murciano

Zortziko (Comunidad foral de Navarra)

Baile de cintas (Cantabria)

Redoble, Redoble (Extremadura)

Danza de Palos (Castilla León)

Chotis (Madrid)

Jota Asturiana

La Sardana

La Reja (Granada)

Danzas tradicionales valencianas


Aurresku (Pais Vasco)








Se nos rompio el amor

Julio Iglesias

Me olvide de vivir


Vas a quedarte

Alejandro Sanz

Y si fuera ella



David Bisbal

Ave Maria

Rocio Jurado

Manolo Escobar

Lola Indigo

Que guapa estas

Lola Indigo+Dellafuente /Malasuerte

Singers of yesterday and today


Is a tragedy by Spanish dramatist

Bodas de sangre

Federico Garcia Lorca

F.G.Lorca (5 june 1898-19 august1936). Was a Spanish poet, playwright and theatre director. Achieved international recognition as an emblematic member of the Generation of 27. Other books: -Romancero gitano -Yerma -La casa de Bernarda Alba

It was written in 1932. The play is set in rural Spain and according to some sources was inspired by real life events which took place in Almeria in the 1920s

Muñeira (Galicia)

Pasillo a orillas del mar, painted in 1909, is a painting by Joaquin Sorolla depicting his wife, Clotilde Garcia, holding an umbrella, along with his eldest daughter, Maria Clotilde, walking at sunset along the beach of Valencia while the sea breeze makes their clothes flutter


La tentacion de San Antonio

Was a Spanish surrealist artist, renowed for his tecnical skill, precise draftsmanship, and the striking and bizarre images in his work

Campos de Castilla

In 1912, Antonio Machado published, Campos de Castilla, in which he considers the fatee of Spain and reflects on his late wife.The book divides into tree sections: -the first portion regards the Spanish land and people -the central section recalls Soria, where he had met his wife - the concluding portion express his love for his late wife.

ANTONIO MACHADO Was born in Seville, Spain in 1875, was a Spanish poet and one of the leading figures of the Spanish literary movement known as the Generation of 98

Is painting by Pablo Ruiz Picasso. It's one of the world's greatest anti-war paintings, it was seen as a world symbol for peace.Guernica shows a large, open room with people and animals who are suffering.The paint went to Spain when it became a democratic country. Now hangs in art gallery, the "Museo Reina Sofia", in Madrid.

Is in the Museo del Prado, by Diego de Velazquez, the leading artist of the Spanish Barroque.The painting presents several figures, most identifiable from the Spanish court, captured in a particular moment. Some of the figures look out towards the viewer, while others interact among themselves. Velazquez also appearce in the canva

It's a painting by Francisco de Goya, now in the Museo del Prado, Madrid. In the painting, Goya sought to commemorate Spanish resistance to Napoleon's armies during the ocupation of 1808 in the Peninsula War.

El fusilaminto del 3 de Mayo

Maja desnuda

Is a writer of noir novels, autor of the Batzan Trilogy and winner of the 2016 Premio Planeta de Novela literary prize. Batzan Trilogy tells the story of a police officer trained by FBI, who returns to her hometown in the Batzan Valley (Navarra, España) to face a series of crimes while dealing with their own ghosts from the past.


  • El Guardian invisible
  • Legado de los huesos
  • Ofrenda a la tormenta


Is a 1931 painting. It's one of the most recognizable works of surrealism, the painting developed a surreallistic image of soft, melting pocket watches. The general interpretation of the work, is that the soft watches are a rejection of the assumption that time is rigid or deterministic.The painting is in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in Ne York


Painter, scultor and printmaker, ceramist and theatre designer. One of the most influential artists of 20th century, he is know for co-funding the Cubist movement and another wide variety of styles that he helped developed and explore

la maja desnuda/vestida


Was a Spanish romantic painter and printmaker. He is considered the most importan Spanish artist of the late 18th and 19th centuries

LA MAJA DESNUDA/VESTIDAIt has been described as "the first totally profane life-size female nude in western art". The identity of the Majas in uncertain. The painting was never publicly exhibited during Goya's lifetime.

Is a Spanish epic novel by Miguel de Cervantes. The plot revolves around the adventures of a member of the lowest nobility, a hidalgo from La Mancha named Alonso Quijano, who reads so many chivalric romances. Due that he lost his mind and decides to became a knight-errant together his squire, a simple farm labourer, Sancho Panza.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616) It's considered: - as the first modern novel - one of the greatest written ever - one of the most translated in the world (Don Quijote) - and one of the best-selling novels of all time

Is a spanish prose poem written by

Platero y yo

Juan Ramon Jiménez

Juan Ramón Jiménez Mantecón, (Moguer 1881- Puerto Rico 1958). Was a Spanish poet, a prolific writer who received the 1956 Nobel Prize in Literature for his lyrical poetry.

Platero is a silver-colored donkey who is the only constant friend and companion of the autor, who makes observations to and confides in him.These book are essential to the study

of Spanish Literature and common reading for high school students in Spanish-speaking countries.

Platero y yo

Written by Eva Garcia Saenz de Urturi in 2016, and translated into English in 2020.It's a crime novel set in her hometown.It became and international betseller. Whit this novel the White City Trilogy began

EVA GARCIA SAENZ DE URTURI In 2016 she published El silencio de la ciudad Blanca, later in 2019 this novel was adapted into a movie script. In 2020, published her second historical novel Aquitania whit wich she was awared the Planet novel award

These cave paintings are located in the Cave of Altamira (Santillana del Mar)The paintings were found on the ceilings of caves. These drawings were made with charcoal and polychrome paints, during the UPPER Paleolithic and represent the fauna of the time (around 36.000 years ago)

Rimas y leyendas


Gustavo Adolfo Becquer, was a Spanish Romantic poet. His best Known works are the Rhymes and the Legends, usually published together.Rhymes- Is the set of poems by this Sevillian writer of "late Spanish romanticism". Was published after his death 76 short poems in its first editionLegends Are a variety of romantic tales. Some despict supernatural and semi-religious events like:-The mount of the souls-The green eyesThe rose of the Passion

The novel sold 15 million copies and was winner of numerous award.It's a Gothic mystery that involves Daniel Sempere's quest to track down the man responsible for destroying every book written by autor Julian Carax


Ruiz Zafon's works have been published in more than 45 countries and have been translated into more than 50 languages. He is the most widely published contemporary Spanish writer


Arturo Pérez Reverte

Novelist and journalist . He worked as a war corresponded for RTVE for 21 years. His first novel was, El húsar (set in the Napoleonic Wars) He is well Know outside Spain for his "Alatriste" series of novels, wich have been translate into multiple Languages. Is member of Royal Spanish Academy.

Dispara, yo ya estoy muerto

Is a historical novel by Julia Navarro, published in 2013, which mixes history, suspense, drama, and politics in a work that takes place from the end of the 19th century to 1948

JULIA NAVARRO Novelist and journalist. After writing books on current affairs and politics, she published her first novel, she published her first novel, La Biblia de Barro, which was on best-seller lists, both in Spain and abroad.

Joaquin Cortés

Sara Baras

Corazon tan blanco

Is a novel by Javier Marias, which was first published in 1992.This book received the International Dublin Literary Award in 1997.In it the narrator Juan, seek to use his recently married with Luisa, to uncover the murky past of his father's previous marriages which include two other women.

JAVIER MARIAS Was an author, translator and columnist. He published fifteen novels, three collections of short stones and various essays. As one of Spain's most celebrated novelists, his books have been translated into forty-six languages.

Knight of the Order of Santiago. He was an individualist artist of Baroque period. He began to paint in a precise tenebrist style, later developing a freer manner characterized by bold bruswork. He painted scores of portraits of the Spanish royal family and commoners.

Diego Velaquez

Is a Spanish Novel Written by Benito Pérez Galdós en 1878.The book tells the story of Marianela, a poor orphan girl with an ugly face, and her love for Pablo, a blind boy, who also has a romantic feeling towards Nela.This book was adadpted for film in several times

Benito Pérez Galdós, (1843-1920). Was a Spanish realist novelist. He was the leading literature figure in 19th-century. Was a prolific writer, publishing 31 novels, 46 National Episodes, 23 plays, and the equivalent of 20 volumes of shorter fiction.

