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Falling Action









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Exposition: Introduction of Characters and Setting: The exposition introduces the main characters, the setting (time and place), and the initial situation or context.

Introduction of the Central Conflict: The inciting incident is an event or circumstance that sets the main conflict into motion. It is the point where the story's central problem or challenge is introduced.

Shift or Revelation: Halfway through the story, there's a significant development.


Development of the Conflict: This part of the plot involves a series of events that build tension and develop the central conflict. Characters face challenges, make choices, and the story unfolds.

Turning Point: The climax is the highest point of tension and the turning point in the story. It is the moment when the main character faces the central conflict head-on, and a critical decision or action takes place.

Resolution Begins: After the climax, the falling action shows the consequences of the climax and starts to resolve the central conflict. Loose ends are tied up, and the story moves towards a resolution..

Falling Action


Conclusion: The resolution is the final outcome of the story. It reveals how the central conflict is ultimately resolved and provides closure for the characters and the plot.