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Assessment Workshop: Introductions

  • The first section of your proposal presentation will be the introduction
  • The introduction is a critical part of any assessment so if you find yourself rewriting it multiple times, that is not a bad thing ​
  • You will present your research topic and explain why it is important and interesting. ​
  • The introduction should also state the relevance of your research question to the larger world, and to multiple audiences in that larger world. ​

Structure of an Introduction

Statement of research question and its importance to wider scholarship /policy/world

Summary of background information

Justification - Why is your proposed research worthwhile/valuable

Question and objectives – Reader should have no doubt as to what research hopes to achieve

And now!

  • Your task now is to draft the introduction for your proposal presentation
  • You completed an introduction for your Literature Review which can be a base BUT this will need refining and improving
  • By now your topic should be more refined and focussed
  • You should have done further reading, which will give you better background knowledge
  • Also this time it is as a presentation not a written assessment
  • Yow now have the remainder of the session to work on this
  • For your reference below are simplified versions of the relevant section from the mark scheme
