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Di Maimouna Fedior, Sofia Saba e Matilde Galzenati

Oppressione in congo

combattuto fra il 1996 e il 1997 da diverse nazioni centro africane e che vide la fine del regime del generale Mobutu in Congo

Prima guerra

1996 e 2003

il congo viene sonvoltonvolto da una guerra civile interentnica

La guerra e l'oppressione vengono cusati in seguito alla guerra scoppiata in Ruanda

Nel'ottobre del 1996 le truppe ruandesi entrano in Zeire dando via alla 1°guerra in ccongo

al controllo del governo di Kabila e si unirono a nuovi rinforzi provenienti dai propri paesi con l’intento di installare a Kinshasa un nuovo governo, appoggiando rispettivamente le formazioni ribelli del Rassemblement Congolais pour la Démocratie (Rcd) e del Mouvement pour la Libération du Congo (Mlc). A sostegno di Kabila intervennero su sua richiesta Angola, Zimbabwe e Namibia, che costrinsero ruandesi e ugandesi a ripiegare nelle province orientali del paese. La firma nell’agosto del 1999 a Lusaka (Zambia) di un cessate il fuoco da parte di tutti gli attori in lotta e il dispiegamento sul territorio della Mission de l’Organisation des Nations Unies en République démocratique du Congo (Monuc) no

Seconda guerra

una volta all potere kabila cerca di disfarsi dei sostenitori stranie ,causando pero la 2°guerra del congo

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Write a subtitle that provides more information

Need m

the content moves. When carrying out a presentation you have to pursue two objectives: transmit information and avoid yawns.

You can represent numbers like this


...Even if you explain it orally later

This way you will keep your audience's attention

grazie per aver prestato attenzione fine.

Fonte "trecccani"


che riguarda due o piu gruppi di etnie differenti


A great headline

80% of what we do and see, we remember.


content we can consume. We are in the age of the digital information explosion. This causes our way of obtaining information

When we are told a story, it moves us. It can even touch us deeply, making us remember the stories up to 20 times more than any other

Through visual content. Almost 50% of our brain is involved in processing visual stimuli.

have changed, we go from traditional reading to a navigation-based cognitive strategy. Our brain is prepared, from a biological point of view, to learn

A great headline

50% of our brain is involved in processing visual stimuli.


Content that we can consume. We are in the era of the digital information explosion. This causes our way of obtaining information

When we are told a story, it excites us. It can even move us, making us remember the stories up to 20 times more than any other

through visual content. Almost 50% of our brain is involved in processing visual stimuli.

have changed, we move from traditional reading to a navigation-based cognitive strategy. Our brain is biologically prepared to learn through

A great headline

90% of the information we assimilate comes to us through sight.


content that we can consume. We are in the era of the digital information explosion. This causes our way of obtaining information

When we hear a story, it moves us. It can even touch us deeply, making us remember the stories up to 20 times more than any other.

Through visual content. Almost 50% of our brain is involved in processing visual stimuli.

have changed, we move from traditional reading to a navigation-based cognitive strategy. Our brain is prepared, from a biological point of view, to learn how to