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To message your A21 subject teachers, use the email addresses provided on the 'contact' option on your A21 portal main menu.

If you have questions about your enrolment with Academy21, please speak to your mentor.

For any IT technical issues, select the 'support' option on your A21 portal main menu and choose the ‘Live Support’.

Need help?

Details can be found on the ‘contact’ section of the A21 portal.

Safeguarding team

You may want to talk to your mentor or a teacher if you have a problem. You can contact Clare Brokenshire or Alessandro Capozzi using this email address: dsl@academy21.co.uk

Need help?

Please ask your mentor if you wish to book a tutorial.

Possible areas of focus:

  • Discuss your marks in a review task or practice question.
  • Re-examine a topic or task from that week’s live lesson.
  • Discuss ways to support your learning and development within the subject etc.

1:1 tutorials

During your time with Academy 21, you may find it useful to schedule a 1:1 tutorial with your subject teacher. These 20-minute tutorials can be used to address a concern or a question you have.

Need help?

Active Time!

Any questions?

We hope you enjoy your lessons with Academy21! See you in lessons!