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The Big Update on Yusra's Life!

I thought the second year of university would be academically challenging, but it turned out to be unexpected.

Academic Comeback

I read books now and it's so fun. I have a small book collection that I'm trying to grow and I love it so much. I'm currently reading the book, As Long as the Lemon Tree Grows - this book is so good, like Chefs Kiss - it's top tier - I would recommend it!

On that note, I have grown to love reading books!

I had to remove many clothes from my wardrobe to dress more modestly and hijab-friendly. I switched out my old clothes for skirts, dresses, and abayas.

I have revamped my whole wardobe

I can't even remember If I told you this but my sister, her husband and her two kids are out of the country living their best life in Dubai!!!!!!

My sister moved to Dubai

Best Show Ever!

There's so much to say about Gilmore Girls. Lorelai is undoubtedly the best character, and I think Jess is the perfect match for Rory, even though he could be frustrating at times. Luke and Lorelai are incredibly cute together, even before they officially. This show has had a significant impact on my life, and I love it so much.

Gilmore girls

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