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The News 26 January 2024 - St Bede's

Dear Parents,We have had a studious week as Year 11s faced their mock exams and the Sixth Form continued to work for their assessments. Year 9 and 10 are trying to improve their punctuality, dress code and personal organisation and this has started well.Already we are saying goodbye to our lovely exchange student Georgia from Australia and two girls celebrated their birthdays this week. Margaret who was 17 and India who turned 14.Emma and Lucy made us so proud by representing St Bede's House in the Senior Musicians' Recital, playing Piano and Flute respectively.The Sixth Form enjoyed a lively debate between Mr Hutchinson and Mrs Carter on the subject of Sexism in the Church. Niwa from St John's and Charlotte from Aidan's were superb.Last night the Sixth Form attended the Headmaster's Lecture and were enthralled by stories from Major General Nicholas Perry, an OA from St Edward's House who spent significant time with the SAS and SBS as well as holding other key positions in government. St Bede's performed well in our netball matches against Giggleswick on Saturday. Amazing goal shooting by Mia J and Kiki and excellent play by all the girls.We are definitely ready for our whole school lie in next Thursday!Wishing you all a peaceful weekend!

Senior Musicians' RecitalSo proud of Emma and Lucy!

Amber, Captain of Swimming for The College Next Year

Celebration of Georgia's time with us

Ophelia passed her theory test this week and Stephanie and Izzy, the dynamic duo,are enjoying the first month of driving around the country lanes of Ampleforth and Malton

Some of the Year 11s relaxing together

Missing our Bede's old girls from last year..

January Blues - Trip down memory lane of last term's festivities.....

Memory Lane never gets boring!

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