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Dylid defnyddio'r adnoddau canlynol i ysgogi trafodaethau agored a gonest am gydsynio ac ymreolaeth rywiol.

Cydsynio ac Ymreolaeth Rhywiol

Consent & Sexual Autonomy

The following resources should be used to prompt open and honest discussions about consent and sexual autonomy.

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Hofrwch a chliciwch ar bob eicon i gael mynediad at wybodaeth ac adnoddau ar ymreolaeth rywiol.
Hover and click on each icon to access information and resources on sexual autonomy.

Live Fear FreeByw Heb Ofn



Discussion PromptsPwyntiau Trafod

Reflection WorksheetTaflen Waith Myfyrio

South Wales PoliceHeddlu De Cymru

Discussion Prompts

  1. "What does 'consent' mean to you? Can you give an example of a situation where consent is needed?"
  2. "How would you feel if someone shared a private photo of you without your permission?"
  3. "In the digital age, why is it important to think twice before sharing something online?"
  4. "What are personal boundaries, and why are they important? How can we respect others' boundaries and our own?"
  5. "How can we handle peer pressure, especially in situations involving sharing images or texts?"
  6. "Do you know what the law says about sharing private images, especially of people under 18? Why is it important to be aware of these laws?"
  7. "Imagine how someone might feel if a private image of them was shared without consent. What could be the short-term and long-term effects on that person?"
  8. "If you or someone you know is being pressured to share private images, or if private images are being shared without consent, what can you do? Who can you talk to?"
  9. "If you are under 18, and you send an indecent image of yourself, did you know that you could be prosecuted for distributing child pornography?"