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Intelligent Grading Systems

Smart Content Creation

Personalised Learning

Ethical considerations and challenges

Supporting students with SEND

Effective Engagement

AI in education

Personalised Learning

AI can aid teachers in saving time and streamlining the educational process by utilising Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms to analyse and generate educational content.

With AI-powered learning platforms, students can now receive tailored content and guidance based on their individual needs and preferences.

Intelligent Grading Systems

Grading and assessment are the main components of education system, but these are time-consuming and subject to human error. AI can easily streamline the grading process and make it more accurate and efficient.

Using Microsoft Forms to auto-mark, provide feedback, and then enable accurate and immediate analysis of learning gaps.

Using Microsoft Teams Assessment Rubric to enable quick and effective feedback feeding into Power BI for AI-powered data analysis.

Improved access to education for students with SEND

AI provides access to learning and education for students with special needs: deaf and difficulty in hearing, people with ASD, visually impaired, dyslexia etc.Microsoft Read Aloud, Immersive Reader and Reading Progress support access to written text and improve literacy.

Microsoft Seeing AI is an app that helps the visually impaired to blind to understand more about who and what is around them.

Teachers can use programs like ChatGPT and Microsoft BING to help draft lesson plans and resources.

Smart Content Creation

Artificial Intelligence plays a crucial role in both assisting students and enabling teachers to create high-quality educational content. With the help of Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms, AI can effectively examine and generate educational material, reducing the effort and time required by teachers.

Ethical considerations and challenges

While the applications of AI in education offer tremendous potetnial, there are also ethical considerations and challenges that need to be addressed. Data privacy, allgorithmic bias, and the need for human intervention are some of the key concerns that need to be carefully navigated in the implementation of AI in education.

The key advice is that AI-powered resources and solutions are drafts at best.There should always be a human in the room with AI. Key questions, directions, and responses.

Effective Engagement

AI can empower the pastoral teams to monitor the welbeing of students efficiently and with privacy.Patterns can be identified through AI-powered processes enabling teachers and pastoral staff to plan explorative and intervention strategies.In class, teachers can use AI to identify engagement trends, learning gaps, and intervention needs.

AI can enable learners to better identify their learning needs, enable improved access to learning, and promote independence and resilience.