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Insight EMEA x BrightTALK

Project Update


View Project in Adobe Workfront

Post-Kick off Enablement▯ 1st QBR Booked for 28th March▯ Hold strategy call to align ongoing performance monitoring and success▯ Validate program is delivering on expectations▯ Activate features within program elements


Wk commencing 5th Feb✓ Timelines set and confirmed for launch of other program elements✓ Paid Program activated and Lead delivery (Due to begin 11/03)- Contact and Lead Nurture Activated in Marketo (In progress)- First mock live Webinar due for last week of March


Where we are now

We are now in the second stage of our project and are approaching our post-launch enablement stage.

Wk commencing 1st Jan✓ Reactive old BrightTALK Channel✓ Establish initial content plan✓ Project Kick-off Call ✓ Pending - 1st week back✓ Platform training -adding and managing existing content✓ Existing content upload and optimisation✓ (In progress) Integration set up


Channel and Platform

Visit our channel

EMEA BrightTALK Channel

Our BrightTALK EMEA channel has now reached 476 subscribers with a library of 18 on-demand webinars available for BrightTALK users to view with an average rating of 4 out of 5 stars.

Visit our channel

EMEA BrightTALK Channel

Our BrightTALK EMEA channel has now reached 476 subscribers with a library of 18 on-demand webinars available for BrightTALK users to view with an average rating of 4 out of 5 stars.

Our content is very much aligned with what is trending amongst the BrightTALK audience, however it does mean the competiton is high in the tool is high.Topics such as Cyber Security has seen 15,748 companies and 24,847 professionals actively researching the term in the platform, across EMEA in the last 180 days, however it has also seen 332 content creators sharing talks and webinars around it.

Trending topics in the channel from our industry

Content Performance

84 Viewers 46% Duration viewed1 Interaction(Talk to an expert)

Your Guide to Delivering Cyber Resilience in Healthcare

Paid Content Lead Campaign (previously ran)

Run time01/01/2024 - 12/022024Budget$7500.14Contracted CPL$120.9722 Organic Viewers66 Paid Viewers

Traction for the campaign only really begun once the paid program launched, once users started watching the webinar the more the viewers we gained.

Looking at the channel subscribers you can see how the paid activity also influences organic and direct traffic.

2024 Budget Split

Mar - Jun




Sept- Nov




Jul- Aug




Our paid program is guranteed to generate a 99.7% increase in leads.

Our paid program is currently featuring our are our Microsoft AI Roadshow Series, as the webinars take place the on-demand versions will filter through to the program.To the right you can see an outline on how we've decided to split our budget over the year for our paid program. However we do intend to analyse the lead data from BrightTALK along side the performance of the campaigns monthly and have the flexibility to make changes to this schedule and the content where we see fit.

Paid Lead Program

Run timeMarch 2024 - June 2024Budget$ 17,141.32Contracted CPL$ 84.44Performance302 LeadsOrganic vs Paid Split99 organic (projected)203 Paid (guranteed)

AI RoadshowProjectedProgramResults

Paid Content Lead Campaign




Our first aimtell push for BrightTALK went out on the 10th of February. Aimted at users who visited a webinar page but never registered and directed users to our BrightTALK Channel.

Channel Promotion via Web Push Notification

Channel Promotion via Email

Email to our Insight EMEA database who don't engage with webinars via our website

Email users from previous paid campaigns

Due to go out today

Email Nurture to subscribed users

Nurture & Lead Process



Due to the high value of users who reach this point, we'd then go on to consider paid options retargetting with the aim of driving these users to speak with an expert and converting them to a lead.

Due to the high value of users who reach this point, we'd then go on to consider paid options retargetting with the aim of driving these users to speak with an expert and converting them to a lead.

'not captured'

'paid contact from BrightTALK'

'subscribers to Insight EMEA BrightTALK channel

BrightTALK user enters nurture flow by showing an interest in our industry or directly showing an interest in our channel or content.

Enters lead scoring flow until reaches 'lead' status



Enters lead scoring flow until reaches 'lead' status

Enters lead scoring flow until reaches 'lead' status

'doesn't fill form'

'clicks speak with an expert'

Lead Status Activated

Enters lead scoring flow until reaches 'lead' status

Clicks to'Attend another webinar'

Clicks to'subscribe'


'interacts with email'

Clicks for'more information'

User lands in Marketo as a 'opted in' marketable' contact.

Nurture for BrightTALK Users

List to be pushed into Nurture flow - awareness stream

List to also form segment based on interest

BT marketo p rogram captures attendee and sends them to nurture list based upon interest

Audience - BT - Attended / watched on demand webinar

Set of ON24 OD and live webinars,

Monthly Newsletter

Set of ON24 OD and live webinars, encouragement to subscribe

Monthly Newsletter

Work with Ali on content to keep it fresh

Set of ON24 OD and live webinars, event invite data and AI, encouragement to subscribe

Monthly Newsletter

Content: Different webinars, BT or ON24 + assets, Insights pick and on-demand.

3 day wait

Content: Thank you for watching, BT this is who we are. One asset, solutions

Engagers move into relevant stream of interest

Stream - Data & AI

Non engagers to progrwss with first newsletter. If no engagement - Exit not - MQL

Stream - Awareness - Welcome

Stream - Cybersecurity

Email 2

1 week wait

Stream - Workforce Evolution

Email 1

Enter marketing email comms

Exit nurture

Continue with webinar newsletters

Continue with webinar newsletters


Contacted us via form

Audience - Warmed a ttendee that opened / clicked / engaged showed Interest in

BrightTALK Subscribers


Email Nurture

Watched more webinars

Audience - Warmed a ttendee that opened / clicked / engaged showed Interest in

Audience - Warmed attendee that opened / clicked / engaged showed Interest in

Audience - Webinar Attendee

Nurture for BrightTALK Users

Email Communication for BrightTALK Users

Welcome to Insight

'Doesn't attend a webinar'

'Attends webinar'

Starting now reminder


New webinar available email from marketo with FastPass Registration

24 hour reminder

'Doesn't attend a webinar'

Welcome to the Insight EMEA Channel

Registration confirmation

'Registers for a webinar'

Channel Introduction email sent from BrightTALK

'subscribers to Insight EMEA BrightTALK channel'

Next Steps

  • Continue with AI Roadshow and Paid Program
  • First Live Webinar in the Platform - last week of March
  • 1st QBR with BrightTALK - 28th March
  • Continue Colloboration with North American - 1st meeting Wk commencing 15th April including Agency.
  • Utilise Content Replays
  • Promotional Plan to begin driving direct traffic - this week

Thank you!