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project Brief


Analysis of brief




Maximum mark 25



Maximum mark 25



skills & roles


laws & regulation






strategy for managing project


reflection on last year


GU1 planning

additional information

What are you making? What is the format/medium/genre and message?What about length/size/duration/word counts?Start by producing an short overview of what you are actually going to make and then cover all of the areas covered in the following slides.

Goal 2

a fully developed project brief


What are you trying to achieve with your product?What is the purpose, aims and objectives of the product?How will you know it hs been a success?Who are you targeting with your product?Give the demographics... do not say it is for everyone.Who would be interested in your product?Remember that just because you can put it on the internet for the world to see doesn't mean everyone in the world is interested in your product.Distribution/publication/broadcast outlets and launch/release/performance placesMarket needs?

Goal 3

An analysis of the project brief including:— realistic objectives and measures of success— target audience and market research


Goal 4

Identification of primary and secondary researchmethods to be used

What primary and secondary research will you conduct?Make sure you understand the differences and identify appropriate and realistic research.Why would this research be useful?Who could you interview that might help?Would a survey give you some statistical data that might help?


A timeline that schedules all production activitiesand includes milestones, resources, keystakeholders

Goal 5

Start by brain storming and writing down everyhting you need to do.Think about pre production, production and post production activities.This will show that you fully understand the process from start to finish to produce your product.It must have dates and times in a logical order. You can create a ghant chart if you wish.Make it realistic so that it actually helps you to make your product by keeping you on track.


Resource planning, including people, places,equipment, software

Goal 6

What are you going to need to make your product?What people do you need and why?Do you need access to specific locations?What equipment/hardware do you need?What software do you need?


Identification of the skills, roles and contactsrequired for completion of the project

Goal 7

What the the required soft and hards skills which you will need to make this product? Think of all the job roles you will be performing.What people/organisations will you need to keep in touch with when making the product?


A consideration of relevant statutory and voluntary controls

Goal 8


What are the key laws you will need to abide by?What voluntary controls are in place for the industry related to your product

oal 9

A consideration of ethical issues relevant to themedium and audience


What are the key ethical issues that are relevant to your product?What are key ethical issues relating to your audience and market?What ethical issues will shape your product?

Anticipation of potential difficulties and constraints and solutions

Goal 10


What problems might you encounter?What about accessibility, budget, time constraints?Why might YOU be part of the problem?What solutions will you put in place?

A strategy for managing the development of theprojectstraintsand solutions

Goal 1


How exactly will you manage the project and organise yourself to complete the project to the deadline?You need to be specific about what you are going to do to manage the project.Files, Time Management etc

additional information

The plan should be 800–1,000 words or 8–10 minutesof oral evidence. You must achieve all of the minimum evidence specified above in order to pass the planning stage. The planning stage must be passed before the developing stage begins. If remediation is required then you can only get a maximum of half the mark for this stage.25 marks allocated to the Planning Stage

Gol 13