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For non-commercial use only - Copyright 2024 - Save the Cord Foundation (501c3 nonprofit)

Let's start. . .

In this game, we will follow the paths of these two families -- one looking for a cure and another giving hope to those fighting life-threatening diseases.You can help them by "following the cell" from collection after the birth of a child to a successful cord blood stem cell transplant.

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Answer:expectant parent

Why am I learning this?The collection of cord blood can only be done shortly after the birth of a child and by a qualified medical team. Expectant parents must plan this collection with their doctor well in advance of the birth of their child.

Wow! Great job!

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ANSWER:logistics and transport

Why am I learning this?We are following the cell! Collected after the birth of a child, cord blood must quickly be transferred to the lab for processing. Later, a cord blood unit will be transferred to a hospital for transplant. Monitored logistics and transport, from A to Z, are key to a successful transplant.

Use this letter to help you with the puzzle on the next page.

Start by clicking on the cord blood lab checklist to help get Sadie's cord blood unit to the cord blood bank laboratory.(A new window will open.)

Did you solve the puzzle and discover the secret word? Click the padlock.

Click here to view the letter.

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Amazing! You did it!

Why am I learning this?Proper collection and lab processing of cord blood units is critical to successful transplants. For this reason, these steps in the process are highly regulated and monitored by groups like the FDA, AABB, FACT, etc.

Click here to open the puzzle and find the secret word.

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Success! So proud of you!

Why am I learning this?Once processed at the lab, cord blood units can be preserved for future use. Currently, cord blood is used to treat 80+ life-threatening diseases; however, current research is pointing to possibly even more uses in regenerative medicine for stroke, cerebral palsy and more.

Congrats & Thank You!

For non-commercial use only - Copyright 2024 - Save the Cord Foundation (501c3 nonprofit)

(a 501c3 nonprofit)

For non-commercial use only - Copyright 2024 - Save the Cord Foundation (501c3 nonprofit)

Sources used to build this game:

  • Arizona Public Cord Blood Program: www.arizonapubliccordbloodprogram.org
  • MD Anderson Cancer Center: www.mdanderson.org
  • NMDP Be The Match: www.bethematch.org
  • AABB: www.aabb.org
  • FACT Global: www.factglobal.org
  • WMDA: www.wmda.info
  • Cord Blood Association: www.cb-association.org
  • QuickSTAT: www.quickstat.com
  • Graphics: www.freevectors.net

For non-commercial use only - Copyright 2024 - Save the Cord Foundation (501c3 nonprofit)

End of game

Read this article and think about how cord blood units are delivered from point A to point B. Start with "Luke". . . notice anything unusual about the way this article is written? Follow this link (a new window will open) and type in your answer. If correct, you will be given a 4-digit code to unlock the padlock.