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When dealing with a situation, to avoid confrontation, answering back and further escalation, you can manage learners that try to lead you into a power play by letting them know you are listening, that you care about what they are saying, and that you understand Your response and your choice of language is critical. Use some of the stock responses below to lead them back to the conversation that you really want to have.

Make an effort to recognise and reward positive behaviour, a simple and easy ideas is to let learners or colleagues know when they have gone "above and beyond". The positive note enables you to mark the moment with someone and you can frame their best behaviours, their most determined effort, their greatest show of resileinceIt's important to share this positive notice with others, this may be colleagues or peers and most importantly form a learner, its worth letting parents or carers know so that recognition can extend beyond the college

What could this look like?

By giving prompt attention and recognition to positive behaviors, you can reinforce those behaviors and create a more positive and supportive environment. This approach aims to shift the focus away from always reacting to negative behaviors and instead encourages proactive reinforcement

Send a positive postcard home

Phone or message parents/carers

Shout out and celebrate with people in the college

Researchers found that students’ academic engagement was enhanced and disruptive behaviour reduced in classes where students were greeted positively at the door. Greeting students at the door enhances teacher-student relationships, increase sense of belonging and increase enagement

The greeting can include a positive social interaction which can be verbal (e.g. using the student’s name) or non-verbal (for example, a handshake).It can also be used to remind students of behaviours that result in academic success, with an emphasis being placed on giving encouraging messages to students who misbehaved the previous day.Finally, offering positive reinforcement (e.g. praise) to students who have arrived on time could hopefully reduce future tardiness, by encouraging them to be on time again.

What could this look like?

“I will help myself and others to learn by being in the right place at the right time and with the right equipment, ready to listen and complete my work.”

Being ready means coming prepared, being engaged, and demonstrating a willingness to learn and contribute. This might include having the equipment we need, being alert, listening, having ‘eyes on me/eyes front’, being ready to participate, etc.

This means that we all work to create a secure and nurturing space where everyone feels protected physically, emotionally, and mentally. "I will be kind and considerate, looking after myself and others, following appropriate instructions from staff.”

This means being considerate of and showing kindness to self and others whatever their appearance, gender, sexuality, disability, age, race, religion or belief. It also means respecting the college environment and facilities“I will listen and talk politely to other learners and staff and look after equipment and other people’s possessions.”