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Gangsters and Detective stories

The Roaring Twenties


1. Introduce the document.2. What elements strike you ? What can you guess about the 20s ?3. What do "flappers" and "roaring" mean? (in English)

1. Introduce the document.3. What do "flappers" and "roaring" mean?

This document is the cover of the book written by Marcia Amiden Lusted and illustrated by Jennifer Keller in August 2014. This book is entitled The Roaring Twenties and the subtitle is "Discover the Era of Prohibition, Flappers, and Jazz".

1. Introduce the document.3. What do "flappers" and "roaring" mean?

This document is the cover of the book written by Marcia Amiden Lusted and illustrated by Jennifer Keller in August 2014. This book is entitled The Roaring Twenties and the subtitle is "Discover the Era of Prohibition, Flappers, and Jazz".

Flappers was the name used to call the young women during the 20s who were breaking with the conventional behaviours: they were wearing short haircut, they were smoking, they were drinking alcohol...Roaring is the prolonged sound made by lions.


A gangster era

1. Introduce the document.2. Describe the man and try to imagine who he was (use may/might)

Mugshot of Charles Luciano, June 1936, by the FBI

Charles Luciano

Nickname:Known for:Country: Period of actions:What did he create? What is it?Other relevant (important) information:How did it reign stop? Where was he send?

Charles Luciano

Known for: He was known for being the father of modern organised crime.Country: He was famous in the USA.Period of actions: He was famous during the roaring 20s and the 30s.

Nickname: His nickname was Lucky Luciano.

Charles Luciano

Known for: He was known for being the father of modern organised crime.Country: He was famous in the USA.Period of actions: He was famous during the roaring 20s and the 30s.What did he create? What is it? He created the Commission which is the government of the mafia.Other relevant (important) information: He had connection in politics, business and helped the US government during WW2.How did it reign stop? Where was he send? He was judged for prostitution charges (he exploited women for prostitution) and sent back to Italy.

Nickname: His nickname was Lucky Luciano.

Your turn !

Imagine you lived in the 20s, what would your life have been like? (Use might/may/could / couldn't /must)


New methods

Creation of a new service

1. What is the name of the service ?2. Pay attention to the logo: three other words start with the letters of this service. What is it ? What do they represent?3. What is according to you the role of this service?

The Colonel Stone's case


La structure de la forme interrogative est la suivante : mot interrogatif + au prétérit + sujet + le verbe en - ?

Le prétérit en BE + -ING

Pour la forme négative, il faut ajouter l'adverbe après was ou were. On peut aussi le fusionner avec l'auxiliaire, was deviendra alors et were deviendra .

La structure de la forme interrogative est la suivante : mot interrogatif + BE au prétérit + sujet + le verbe en - ing ?

Le prétérit en BE + -ING

Pour la forme négative, il faut ajouter l'adverbe not après was ou were. On peut aussi le fusionner avec l'auxiliaire, was deviendra alors wasn't et were deviendra weren't.

What were the characters doing during the murder?

How do you ask the question ? Answer :

How do you ask the question? Answer: .

The time of the crime

The victim

How do you ask the question ? When did the murder take place?Answer : The crime took place at 9 o'clock.

How do you ask the question? Who is the victim ? Answer: The victim is the Colonel Stone.

The time of the crime

The victim

1 - What was the job of Miss Green? She was the secretary of Miss Green.2 - What was the job of Mr Travers? He was the banker of Colonel Stone.

3 - Who was Mr Harris? He was the adopted son of the Colonel.4 - What were the clues found by Sherlock? He found a revolver in "the drawer of the bedside table" and a hole on the floor underneath the bedside table.

7 - investigated -> id /arrived -> d / decided -> id /killed -> d / noticed -> t /adopted -> id / suspected -> id / wanted -> id / surprised -> d /discovered -> d / admitted -> id / explained -> d / organized -> d /planned -> d

The Harlem Renaissance