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Initial costs / development time and investment

Potential customer base

New and HBOC





Enacto BACS Offering

The Customer's Journey

Account growth

First Contact







The customer's hardware sends its readings to the Niagara system, iQ Vision

Trend hardware into iQ Vision

PowerBI can recieve the live data from Enacto to fill in


We need to develop a connector to translate the data from Niagara into a format Enacto can read

iQ VisionintoEnacto

We can create templates for customer reports (such as a BACS compliance report)

PowerBIintoCustomer Reports

which will export and email the report to desired recepients with custom regularity.

Enacto BACS Offering

Niagara Connector

cost vs benefit / conclusion

The customer can submit their survey document, plus add any extra support the customer requests, into a Quote Calculator.The results of this calculator will be sent to Enacto's Acount Management team who can review quotes, reach out to the customer to confirm and create a customer PO, and begin the process of onboarding the customer to the product.

The Quote Calculator will be a tool integrated to the BACS offering homepage, so potential customers can easily see what information is needed, and what all the support options Enacto can provide.

Creating a Customer Quote

The quote calculator is something that needs creating from scratch, and if possible be embedded into the Enacto webpage.

We make the connection to their energy metering system, using the formatted survey to create the backend structure. For brand new customers this may require us to install hardware. For current Honeywell customers this will require Niagara Integration.

Customer onboarding

Thanks to our quote calculator, we'll already have most of the information needed, simplifying our ability to invoice the customer.

Invoicing the customer

We will create a homepage for customers to be directed to where we will be able to highlight the simplicity of using Enacto to report energy useage.

Either through the work of the sales team, or as a natural discovery, a new customer learns about the Enacto BACS offering.

A new customer

Once we have a customer onboard and using the BACS solution, our account management team can introduce the customer to the other products and services Enacto has to offer.

Account Growth

  • Number of meters
  • Each meter's unique ID
  • Each meter's type or purpose

The first step is for the customer to communicate to us their requirements. In order to do this we need to know:


The customer can either provide this information diretly to us, we can perform a physical survey, or we can pull the information from their system.The information from the survey is then compiled into a single document with the correct formatting to seamlessly integrate the customer into the Enacto system.

For existing Honeywell customers there is the potential to get all the required information needed directly from IQ Vision/HBOC/Niagara.