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Can you help Guest Support keep the estate secure?

operation: Save chiswick park



Wednesday 21 June 2023, 1530 hrs...You are the on duty DSM when the Estate faces a plethora of incidents... You are about to experience a shift to cry about...If successful, you will become a HERO! ... If unsuccessful, you will be the focal point of a public inquiry to ascertain the root cause of any failings. Also, brand reputation will be damaged...The legal ramifications may be grave!Everyone's counting on you and your judgement! 🫡

The Estate

Find the clue you need to keep moving forward

You're in the Security Control Room and have been informed that an item has been left beside the Chiswick High Road council bin at the lights... A member of public has apparently called police...What is your next move?

Go to investigate the item and follow H.O.T protocol.

Ask the Meet & Greet officer to employ H.O.T protocol.


The 5 Cs:Confirm, Clear, Cordon, Control, Check

The 4 Cs:Confirm, Clear, Cordon, Cry


Great choice!The attending officer has stated that the item is a medium sized cardboard box. The top folds of the box are ajar and the officer believes that he can see some cables inside...What's your next move?

The 3 Cs:Clear, Cordon, Control

Another great decision!You ask the officer to employ the 5 Cs, ask the Control Room Operators to allocate support, and call the police...What is the MINIMUM cordon distance for the cardboard box?

Arms length.

100 metres.


15 metres.

50 metres.

The Estate

Find the clue you need to keep moving forward

Consider safeguarding, step outside the comms room, identify who the informant is, and gather as much information as possible.

Consider safeguarding, take the call in the comms room on loudspeaker, then go for a jog around the Estate to find the child.

Consider safeguarding and lock the GRM and contractor in the comms room as you don't trust them.

You're in the undercroft of building 11 to assist the GRM and a contractor with access to a comms room.You're called on the DSM phone and notified about a lost 10-year-old who was last seen on the Estate...What's your next move?


Step outside the comms room and shout the child's name. Even if you pronounce it wrong.

Ensure that the Control Room Operators are searching via CCTV and use secure comms.

Put out a radio message for all teams to look out for a lost child and describe her.

You find out that the 10-year-old was last seen by the reflective monumnet at B3.Clothing is described as green hat, pink jacket, yellow joggers, and purple trainers. The child's name is Grainne.What's your next move?


Keep any eyes on the informant, continue to monitor their movements, and record the event.

Apologise to Sarah for profiling her as a child and offer a free drink from a retailer.

Ask Sarah if she is with friends as you may have been involuntarily involved in a prank.

Well done!The child in question has been found. After approach to confirm the identity, you are informed that the child is a 27-year-old adult with a genetic growth defect. Her name is Sarah.What's your next move?


The Estate

Find the clue you need to keep moving forward

Shout "F* THIS!!!" and call it a day.

Get the Control Room Operators to get eyes on if possible and dispatch an officer to assess.

Get the Control Room Operators to get eyes on if possible and get them to time how long it takes you to run there.

You've popped into the Supervisors office in HQ to catch your breath after a manic couple of hours when...You hear via radio that an individual with a knife has been spotted in the undercroft of B5...What's your next move?


Tell the officer to run at the individual shouting "STOP!"

Tell the officer to conduct a BJJ wrist grab and hip toss to apprehend the individual.

Get control to speak to the individual via intercom and the officer to use the power of hello from a safe distance.

Your controllers have confirmed the knife and the designated officer is reaching close proximity.The officer has called for backup and the controllers note that the individual is about to attempt access via the undercroft. What's your next move?


Ask the officer to remind her that she's the one who was walking with the knife out and that she has no right to be annoyed.

Ask the officer to apologise but remind her of the potentially dangerous situation and current UK knife carry laws.

Ask the controller to shout at her through the intercom and state that if caught doing it again, they will call the police.

The individual is confirmed as a chef in one of the retail units and collected her new Miyabi Birchwood 8 inch chef knife from her car.She is somewhat annoyed that she was stopped for only having a knife in her hand.What's your next move?


The Estate

Find the clue you need to keep moving forward

Leave the engineers and jog over to Bollo Lane to get a closer look.

Instruct the Officer to get as close as possible and try to further identify the drone if safe to do so.

Instruct Control to look for the operator if possible and get the Officer to keep eyes on the drone if safe to do so.

Instruct officers to locate the pilot, do not approach the drone, find cover, and keep eyes on the drone if safe to do so.

Whilst at the back of B6, helping to investigate a stage 1 alarm that has just sounded on the repeater, you're made aware of a drone at Bollo Lane. The Officer at Bollo Lane stated that it just came over from behind them, and is rather high...What's your next move?


Instruct to keep taking note of any flight patterns & areas of static flight whilst trying to locate the pilot. Then go to Control.

Instruct to keep taking note of any flight patterns & areas of static flight whilst trying to locate the pilot by going off site.

Instruct to keep taking note of any flight patterns & areas of static flight whilst trying to locate the pilot by going to the roof of B7.

The drone has hovered over the rail bridge at Bollo Lane and the neighbouring buildings off the estate. It has also been above B6 and B7. The drone is still high but it doesnt appear to be carrying a payload.What's your next move?


Relay the information to the team and take a break.

Relay the information to the team and complete an incident report.

Relay the information to the team and contact Network Rail to tell them to let someone know next time.

After getting in touch with Network Rail, it turns out that the drone is being used to check tracks and equipment for maintenance reviews. This was confirmed after contacting the CPEM point of contact for Network Rail. You're still in the control room...What's you're next move?


the base

Find the clue you need to keep moving forward

Right answer

Wrong answer

Wrong answer

Wrong answer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat enim ad minima veniam?


Wrong answer

Right answer

Wrong answer

Wrong answer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat enim ad minima veniam?


Wrong answer

Wrong answer

Right answer

Wrong answer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat enim ad minima veniam?


Mission Complete

You've saved Chiswick Park!


Are you sure you want to go out?

You will lose progress




You've let the Estate down... The inquiry will be implemented once crisis management is complete.

try again?