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Level 2 Property Policy Cover

Cohort No / Start Date

Cohort: September - November 2024Start Date: W/C 9th September 2024


Course Overview

Virtual Seminars

This module will provide you with a detailed understanding of the Allianz Commercial Lines Property policy cover.

The 2 x 1 day seminars will be formed of short trainer presentations along side group discussions on the activity packs.

Key Reference Materials

Online Study / Handbooks

Online Assessments

Activity Packs

The Property Policy Cover Activity Pack will help you apply what you are learning to practical situations.

EiT Underwriting Academy

Kathy Dinsey & Chad Letherbarrow


PD Lecture

Weeks 2

Please review this pathway carefully. This document includes all instructions for pre-work activity, alongside information on the virtual seminar and assessment method.

PD Activity Pack

Week 3-4

During this module you will need to refer to the Commecial Select Policy Documentation & the Property Clause Library.

A digital handbook is provided to support you with preparation for the Stage 2 Property Policy Cover Seminar and Assessment.

The online assessments take place 1 week after each seminar and will be made up of a mixture of multiple choice and scenario style questions.

PD Virtual Seminar1 Day

Week 10

PD Online Assessment1 Hour

Week 6

BI Lecture

Week 7

BI Activity Pack

Week 8-9

BI Virtual Seminar1 Day

Week 5

BI Online Assessment1.5 Hours

Week 11

Kick off Session

Week 1

Property Damage and Business Interruption Activity Packs You will need to download the Property Damage and Business Interruption Policy Activity Packs and complete these prior to attending the Property Policy Cover Seminars.

  • You will need to allow approximately 6 hours to complete each pack
  • You can refer back to the lectures at anytime and can also use the handbooks, and the key reference documents referenced within it, to support completion of the activities in the packs
  • You must bring the completed packs along with you to the seminars as during the sessions we will discuss the topics included in this packs and the lectures
  • You may also wish to take a note of any points that require further explanation so you can raise this for discussion at the seminars
The activity packs can be downloaded in the Stage 2 Property Policy Cover handbooks assigned to you via AllianzU / SuccessFactors.

Reading / Reference List During this course you may need to refer to the following supplementary materials. It is KEY that you are familiar with these documents:

  • Commercial Select Proposal Form
  • Commercial Select Policy Wording
  • Clause Wordings (Endorsements)
  • Sample Schedule
All the above supplementary materials can be found in the Stage 2 Property Policy Cover Handbooks.

General Enquiries Please contact the Underwriting Services Team if you have any queries: excellenceintechnical@allianz.co.uk Teams Channel There is also a Teams Channel that you can use to ask general questions and share insight with the rest of your cohort. Your trainers will also be contactable via this channel to support with any technical queries you have following the virtual seminar.

How to use the Handbook The handbook has been designed to support you with preparation for the Stage 2 Property Policy Cover Seminars and Assessments. Property Damage Pre-Recorded Lecture The pre-recorded lecture will cover the following topics:

  • The Policy Structure, Insuring Clause, Exclusions and Conditions
  • Property Damage Covers
  • Property Damage Basis of Settlement
  • Property Damage Conditions
Business Interruption Pre-Recorded Lecture The pre-recorded lecture will cover the following topics:
  • How Business Interruption Works
  • The Operative Wording
  • Business Interruption Basis of Settlement
  • Business Interruption Extensions
  • Business Interruption Conditions
The remainder of the handbook is for your reference only and has been included to support you with completion of the activity pack.

Online Assessments Following each seminar, you will be invited to attend an online assessment. The aim of this assessment is to test your understanding and application of the Property policy cover. Property Damage Assessment Overview

  • The assessment will be assigned to you via SuccessFactors/AllianzU and can be completed remotely and is not invigilated. If you are completing the assessment in the office you must book a meeting room
  • The assessment consists of 50 questions. These will be a mix of single answer, multi-answer, free type, ordering and calculation questions
  • The assessment is a sequential assessment that will include include scenario based questions that you will need to work through. You will NOT be able to return to previous questions once an answer is submitted
  • You will have 60 minutes to complete the assessment. It will automatically time out if not completed within the allocated time-frame and the time remaining will be displayed on the screen throughout the assessment
  • The assessment is closed book. You are NOT permitted to access any physical study material and / or online study materials or notes during the assessment
  • You should turn off your phone and close any other windows on your pc, such as outlook and teams, to ensure you are not interrupted
  • You must complete the assessment without any help from third parties or other delegates
  • You must complete the assessment in one sitting on your scheduled date and start time. Failure to do so will result in the assessment being deactivated and this will need to be re-arranged for a later date
  • You are permitted to use a calculator
  • The pass mark is 65% and you will be notified at the end of the assessment if you have passed or failed
  • A follow up email will then be sent to you and your Line Manager within 48 hours of you completing the assessment confirming the score
Business Interruption Assessment Overview
  • The assessment will be assigned to you via SuccessFactors/AllianzU and can be completed remotely and is not invigilated. If you are completing the assessment in the office you must book a meeting room
  • The assessment consists of 50 questions. These will be a mix of single answer, multi-answer, free type, ordering and calculation questions
  • The assessment is a sequential assessment that will include include scenario based questions that you will need to work through. You will NOT be able to return to previous questions once an answer is submitted
  • You will have 80 minutes to complete the assessment. It will automatically time out if not completed within the allocated time-frame and the time remaining will be displayed on the screen throughout the assessment
  • The assessment is closed book. You are NOT permitted to access any physical study material and / or online study materials or notes during the assessment
  • You should turn off your phone and close any other windows on your pc, such as outlook and teams, to ensure you are not interrupted
  • You must complete the assessment without any help from third parties or other delegates
  • You must complete the assessment in one sitting on your scheduled date and start time. Failure to do so will result in the assessment being deactivated and this will need to be re-arranged for a later date
  • You are permitted to use a calculator
  • The pass mark is 65% and you will be notified at the end of the assessment if you have passed or failed
  • A follow up email will then be sent to you and your Line Manager within 48 hours of you completing the assessment confirming the score
Before Starting The Assessments
  • Please ensure you are in a quiet place where you will not be interrupted, such as at home or in a meeting room on your own
  • Advise your line manager that you will be unavailable while taking your assessment

Target Audience This course is aimed at Underwriters and Senior Underwriters involved in Property and Casualty underwriting. Prerequisites Prior to registering for this module you must have completed the following pre-learning:

  • Stage 1 Free Format Clause Writing eLearning course (eLearning)
Objectives This module aims to build on the knowledge and skills candidates gained in the Stage 1 Property course and on completion you should be able to:
  • Describe and explain the key elements and functions of the main Policy documents
  • Demonstrate understanding of the framework and general content of our standard wordings for major Property contracts
  • Demonstrate an understanding of what is/is not covered and why
  • List the common extensions to cover that are available
  • Prepare draft endorsement wordings that correctly append to standard policy wordings
  • Successfully use gained knowledge and skills during day-to-day practical case underwriting activity
Study MethodThis module is delivered via a blended learning pathway which includes the following activity:
  • Pre-recorded lectures
  • A delegate activity pack
  • 2 x 1 day virtual seminar
  • A digital handbook (for reference only)
  • Online Assessment
The module is delivered in two parts, as follows:
  • Part 1: Stage 2 Property Policy Cover - Property Damage Section
  • Part 2: Stage 2 Property Policy Cover - Business Interruption Section
Please note: Delegates completing this module must complete all required activity set-out in the handbook prior to attending the seminars. The seminars are interactive sessions, formed of group activities that are based on the lecture materials and activity packs. Delegates who have not completed this pre-work will not be able to fully participate in the session.

Virtual Seminars You will be invited to attend a 2 x 1 day seminars:

  • Part 1: Stage 2 Property Policy Cover - Property Damage Section
  • Part 2: Stage 2 Property Policy Cover - Business Interruption Section
At the seminars you will be working in small groups, alongside an experienced trainer, to review and discuss the topics covered in the lectures and the activity packs that you have completed. *Important: You must ensure you complete all activities in the packs and bring this along with you to the seminars, as your notes will help you on the day.

Complete the pre-recorded lectures

Complete the activity pack

Important: You must attend the 1 day virtual seminar

Important: You must complete your assessment at the scheduled time

Complete the pre-recorded lectures

Complete the activity pack

Important: You must attend the 1 day virtual seminar

Important: You must complete your assessment at the scheduled time

Complete the pre-recorded lectures

Sept - Nov 2024 Cohort: Schedule

Important: You must complete all online learning prior to attending the seminar. Attendance of the seminar is mandatory to complete this module. Please check you can meet all schedule requirements before accepting a place on this course and contact Underwriting Services as soon as possible if your circumstances change.