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Film Funding!

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british funding

Screen Scotland

Doc Society

Film London

Creative England

National Lottery

The money sold from selling National Lottery tickets helps support Film Funding. It is availible to Sports, Charity, health, education and enviromental factors. You could apply for up to £20,000, as long as you were an organisation or constintoid group.

National Lottery

They gain their funding with the BFI Network, supporting new film makers. You can apply for 80% of your max production budget, but only intended for theatrical release and to quality as a British Co-production.

FIlm London

They are funded by the Scottish Government and the National Lottery, giving up to £1500 to Producers in Scotland or made in co-production with Scotland. It must need co-funding, include producer fees and certification.

Screen Scotland

They are funded by the department for culture media and support, helping the development of production and for original film makers as long as they have fewer than 250 employees and their annual turnover is less than 50mil. They can apply for around £50,000 to £250,000.

Creative England

They provide funding for Uk independant documentry films and key partners, allowing them to gain up to £11,250 for productionand finshing funds and £2400 for finishing post-production. They gain this money from the National Lottery. It has to be 40 minutes long or less, as well as having to send applications online.

Doc Society