Created on December 21, 2023
Climate change
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climate change
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- Writing task
Environment: Climate Change 1.To familiarise students with the topic of climate change, to make them aware of it and to sensitise them to it. 2.To be able to convey their ideas on environmental issues in a non-technical but concise way. 3.To identify such issues when they are presented orally or written by someone in the English language. 4.To understand the vocabulary related to environmental issues and be able to use it in their sentences. 5.To be able to express themselves in future tenses. Vocabulary related to the environment and specifically with climate change. Future tenses: Be going to & will Teenagers taking 2º Bachillerato (level B1+) - Warm-up - Reading task - Listening task - Vocabulary activities - Grammar activities
We are going through a time of change, a hard time for the earth and for those of us who love and value it. The Earth is important, she is our mother, she is the one who nourishes us, who protects us and who provides us with everything we need. In return we are killing her, slowly but effectively. We want the younger generations to become aware and put a stop to it.
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This syllabus is designed for a secondary school located in a small town. Although it is a small school, it is fully equiped. Besides, there is a public library and there is also a classroom that has numerous computers and tablets that students can use whenever they want . Most families belong to middle class, and most of the parents are involved in their children studies. The center also encourages parents and students to work together to carry out some of the school activities.
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listening task
grammar activity
reading task
vocabulary activity
writing task
TASK 2. VIDEO After the first task, the teacher will show the students the above short video about climate change. It can be played twice. The students will discuss this question with the whole class. Watch the video "Climate Change: It's Real. It's Serious." What can be done to prevent climate change?
WARM-UP (10 minutes aprox.)
TASK 1. BRAINSTORMING What do you know about climate change? To reinforce the students' prior understanding of the topic, the teacher will engage in a collaborative brainstorming session, exploring ideas, concepts, notable figures, and organizations associated with climate change. This can be accomplished using either a traditional blackboard or a digital board. If opting for the blackboard, the teacher will write "Climate Change" and encourage students to jot down related words around it. In the case of a digital board, the collaborative work can be conveniently saved for future reference. You can find a practical example by following the link below.
READING TASK (55-60 minutes)
This additional task is designed to gain a more detailed insight into the topic from a different perspective.
Post-reading activity (15 minutes)
There are also 6 multiple comprehension questions to make sure that they understand the main ideas.
Reading activity (20 minutes)
This is a pre-reading activity to prepare the students for the text by showing them important words that will appear in it and making them reflect on their knowledge about the impacts of climate change in Spain (after reading the text they will be able to check if their hypotheses were right).
Warm-up (10 minutes)
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This task has three parts, in the first one we want the students to take a stance on any of the given options, then they watch the video and check if they understand what they listen to and come up with ideas, finally, they continue to talk about the possible solutions for this topic.
LISTENING TASK (50 minutes)
Debate with your classmates
Post- listening activity
Listen carefully and watch the video
While listening
Let's go!
Pre- listening activity
listen now!
let's talk
let's work !
Flash card game (20 minutes)
In order to work on the vocabulary, the teacher uses a game. This game involves different skills , from learning how to use the dictionary to studying as many concepts as possible.The actitivy is also very useful to practise other fields, like reading or listening.
Write a story (50 minutes)
Future tensesWill and be going to
(homework, 1 week)
Group writing activity
(homework, 1 week)
Individual writing activity
“The most environmentally friendly product is the one you didn’t buy.” Joshua Becker
“Look after the land and the land will look after you, destroy the land and it will destroy you.” Aboriginal Proverb
“If the environment is happy, people will laugh and your grief will go away.” Srinivas Mishra
Maria Toro
Laura Viejo
Maria Alvarez
Mohith agadi
Environment is no one's property to destroy;it is everyone responsibility to protect
- Frost, R. (2023).Spain is getting ‘hotter, drier and more flammable’ due to climate change, Greenpeace warns . EuroNews.
- Harmer, J. (2015). The Practice of English Language Teaching (5th ed.). Pearson Education.
- National Geographic (2015). Climate Change: It’s Real. It’s Serious. And it’s up to us to Solve it.
- Youth and Climate Change(2019). Youth for Climate Action. Breaking barriers. UN Climate Change.
- Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas.
- National Geographic. (2024). Environment.
- McGrath,Matt. ( 8 december 2023). COP 28: five reasons for optimism on climate. BBC.
- Google Jamboard:
- Quizlet:
The teacher elicits answers from the whole class for the following questions: Were the issues that you predicted mentioned in the texts? Were you aware of these situations? Now, in groups of 4 or 5 students, write down how things could be different 20 years from now due to climate change. Consider aspects such as housing, traveling, innovations to address climate change, migration, employement, food...
Post-reading activity
climate X 2 allocations development mitigate action X 2 mindset hope equity justice sustainable
Complete the sentences with WORDS listened in the VIDEO: 1. To ----------- the effects of climate change, we must take-------- towards --------- --------- in our cities and towns. 2. What is ------ ------- and climate --------- ? 3. Once we see the ------, -------- will inevitabily come. 4. Governments should increase --------- destined for Climate Change. 5. A change of --------- is neccessary to save the planet.
Exercise 1
Are they TRUE or FALSE, according to the video?• The most important thing is to plant trees. • Many people don’t recognize how much it (environment) affects us. • Humans’ beings are not the biggest cause of climate change. • Our lives are 80% dependent on nature. • Governments need to increase allocations towards areas, sector, ideas, etc., to tackle climate change. • We need to search for solutions because they don’t exist right now.
Do you think that in our school we could form a group for environmental protection? What proposals would you suggest to the school management to help slow down climate change? Make a list of the ones you come up with (e.g. save energy when classrooms are not in use, reuse paper, etc) and share it with the members of the class.
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
The first time, students will watch and listen to the whole video without doing anything else. Then, they listen again and do the first exercise, fill in the gaps with the words in the box. The teacher ask if they understand them, if not, they can explaing their meanings. If needed, they can watch the video again and answer the second exercise, a true/false activity to verify that they have understood the ideas it conveys. To end this part, we invite them to think and put themselves in the place of people taking action and bring the problem and solutions to their study centre, to think and propose ideas and share them with the class.
- All the sentences must contain will or going to.
- The students cannot take notes.
- The sentences must be grammatically and syntactically correct.
This is a game in which the entire class will participate. The teacher needs to choose who start first and the order.The first student says a sentence out loud. The next student repeats the same sentence and adds a new one. And so on until all the students have participated or until one of them make a mistake. The class would beat the teacher if they all manage to finish without making mistakes
The students must do an essay about how to raise awareness about global warming among their classmates. The best essay will be published in the school blog. If the students want to see an example of how an essay in a newspaper, a blog or a website is done you can check the following link and read a very famous one. The students have a week to send their essays to the teacher.
a) I would focus on educating future generations. They are the only ones who can do something, because we cannot change our habits and lifestyle. b) I would insist to the politicians, to the institutions, making public protests and complaints. We must demand that they deal with this problem.
Which of these options are you in favour of? Choose one of them and defend your ideas (in pairs).
We have already talked about climate change, so we ask the students to tell us what they think that is the key point to get a real change, how we can avoid going down the wrong path and how the planet should be protected. (12 min)
Pre-listening task
The teacher will make groups of five and the students will be asked to agreed about the best solution to a certain problem. In the following week, the school is going to celebrate the "environment week" and each group can explain the conclusions they had reached to their classmates.
You need to choose a member of you family and interview him.
Group writing activity
Write an essay comparing the past and the present. The aim of the activity is that you will be able to make comparisons between the things that your family used to do in the past in order to help the environment, and contrasting them with the things you do now.
The teacher can choose whether the students create the flashcards on an online platform (quizlet) or make them by hand.
Flash card game
HOW TO PLAYThe students get into pairs and one student shows the picture from his flash card to the other student, he has three attempts to guess the word. Once the word is guessed, the student who has the flash card tells the meaning of the word.(They can check it in their notebooks)
HOMEWORKChoose six words from the ones you had chosen in class and write the definitions in your notebook using a monolingual dictionary. Then make a flash card for each word, on one side write the word in english and in the other you draw a picture that represent the word.
First stepThe teacher plays the listening three times and the students are asked to write from it at least ten words of vocabulary .(If they do not know how to write a word, the teacher can write it on the board)Then the students are asked to do the same (choose ten words) from the reading Second step The teacher explain how to use a monolingual dictionary. The teacher also explain how a flash card works and its importance on learning vocabulary.
During the semester the school organizes some theme weeks, in which the students can participate and propose their own ideas. The school also has an online blog in which contests are organized, essays can be published, and news and upcoming events are also published. This task is designed for 2nd Bachillerato class made up for 18 students, five of them are females and the rest are males. None of them requires adaptations or has special needs. Taking into account the questionnaires we do at the end of the school year, almost all the students prefer collective and group activities. They also enjoy debates and competitions among them. For this reason, this syllabus includes some interactive activities . All the students in the class are from Spain, however half of them speak another language fluently. The majority of them speak English , although two of them can speak French.
Warm-up (10 min)
In the first 2-3 minutes, the teacher ensures that the students grasp the meanings of all the vocabulary on the blackboard. He/she can make questions, ask for definitions or examples, etc. Flood Water shortage Tsunami Drought Wildfire Extreme heat Avalanche Tornado Following this, in pairs, the students discuss and categorize the following weather phenomena into events that occurred in Spain recently (in 2022 or 2023), events that are likely to happen in Spain in the near future, and events that are unlikely to occur in Spain. They will verify their hypotheses while reading the text. Step 1: Vocabulary Check (2-3 minutes)Make sure you understand the meanings of the following weather-related words: Flood Water shortage Tsunami Drought Wildfire Extreme heat Avalanche Tornado Step 2: Which of these phenomena have impacted Spain? (In Pairs)In pairs, discuss and classify the listed weather phenomena into the following categories:a. Recent Events in Spain (2022 or 2023): events that have happened recently in Spain.b. Likely Future Events in Spain: events that are likely to happen in Spain in the near future. . c. Unlikely Events in Spain: weather phenomena that are unlikely to occur in Spain.
HOW TO PLAYThe students get into pairs and one student shows the picture from his flash card to the other student, he has three attempts to guess the word. Once the word is guessed, the student who has the flash card tells the meaning of the word.(They can check it in their notebooks)
HOMEWORKChoose six words from the ones you had chosen in class and write the definitions in your notebook using a monolingual dictionary. Then make a flash card for each word, on one side write the word in english and in the other you draw a picture that represent the word.
Flash card game.
First stepThe teacher plays the listening three times and the students are asked to write from it at least ten words of vocabulary .(If they do not know how to write a word, the teacher can write it on the board)Then the students are asked to do the same (choose ten words) from the reading Second step The teacher explain how to use a monolingual dictionary. The teacher also explain how a flash card works and its importance on learning vocabulary
Here is an example of what Task 2 could look like: The different colours can be used to create categories such as causes of climate change,effect of climate change, famous activists or NGOs, possible solutions, etc.
On the other hand, considering that students at this level are already mature enough to understand the problem, to be aware of it and to have their own opinion on it, we believe that it is a good time to include this issue in the English language.So that they can investigate, learn more and communicate in the near future with English speakers, be aware of the terminology and be able to express their opinion and make predictions in the future.
On the one hand, we have decided to address this issue now because the COP28, the 2023 climate summit, has been held very recently. The Conference of the Parties 28, that is, the 28th United Nations Conference on Climate Change, which took place from 30 November to 12 December 2023 is a year's global event that this time was in Dubai, under the theme "Unite. Act. Deliver." The main objectives had been: to advance decarbonisation, boost green energy and achieve more cooperation and financing for a greener and more prosperous future.
We have decided to present this topic to the students because it is a topical issue, perhaps it has been so for many years, but it is something that is always important, although it should probably be even more important than it is believed. It is our firm conviction that the new generations are the key to curbing climate change and the problems that affect the environment: pollution, the unnecessary production of waste due to excessive consumerism and overproduction of goods, most of which are unnecessary, etc. There are many problems that are destroying the environment, but here we wanted to focus especially on one: climate change: the destruction of our ozone layer and changes in weather patterns that pose a risk to animal and human life and biodiversity in general.
To end this part, we ask students to reflect on the topic and to make a list. We want learners to be able to think and speak in the future and conditional tenses previously studied during the course, to be able to express orally and in writing their ideas about climate change and at the same time to think of possible solutions to the problem we have mentioned in reading and listening, developing their ability to extract from the information given and their own knowledge, solutions applicable in the short, medium and long term to an existing problem.
I think we should change...
I would suggest...
In small groups of 4 or 5 students, write a list of potential solutions or innovative ideas to address the challenges of climate change mentioned in the lesson. Use conditional and future tenses. Share aloud with the class.