Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


A4 Research a Topic

Based on UNIT SP12 Keeping Active & Healthy.

Core British Values


Session 1

Learners will develop the skills needed to carry out some outline research into an agreed topic. They will keep a record of their investigation and then present a summary of their findings. You will have the opportunity to research a topic that interests you. It could be linked to something you have enjoyed in your sector, something that is happening in your local community or perhaps linked to what you would like to do in the future. Before starting on your research you will need to decide on the focus for your topic. You will set up a research log to record the research tasks you carry out and the sources that you use. When you have completed your research, you will summarise and present your findings. You will use many of the skills you have developed already, such as planning, time management, research and presenting, as well as any sector skills and knowledge that you have learned.

Unit Brief/Introduction


Learning Aim A

Learning Aim B

What we will be looking at

Pass Criteria Learning Aim A

Merit Criteria Learning Aim A

Distinct Criteria Learning Aim A

Pass Criteria Learning Aim B

Merit Criteria Learning Aim B

Distinction Criteria Learning Aim B

What we are going to be looking at .(click on the eyes below)

Make sure you cover what you think you need to do to meet the pass, merit and distinction criteria.

Now you have read all the intro - discuss as a group what you have understood about this unit.

What different ways can we find out information to help us research for a topic? e.g library, articles, interviews, blogs. Make a list of at least 8 ways in which you can gather information for research and explain in detail, what they are and how they can help you to complete research on a chosen topic. Then choose a favourite topic that you like learning about and state 4 ways that you would gather information to help you learn about this topic, could be boxing, crafts etc.... show some example links of where the information could come from to show that you know how to gather information from the sources you have chosen. This work can be added to your document you have set up for UNIT A4 research a topic.

Start to look at the topic that we will be looking at and gathering information for your research.



Lets look at the assignment brief - Task 1

Lets look at the assignment brief - Task 2


So lets look at what all these mean.

Title page




Findings & Discussion points



Session 2

Use an image

And use this space to caption it. You can upload an image from your computer or use the resources available in Genially, on the left side of the Editor. Knock their socks off!

Did you know? We retain 42% more information when the content has movement. It may be the most effective resource for capturing your audience’s attention.


Structure your content

Sections like this help you create order

Structure your content

Sections like this help you create order

List / Process

Interactive visual communication, step by step:

  1. Plan the structure of your materials.
  2. Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
  3. Add secondary messages with interactivity.
  4. Establish a flow through the content.
  5. Measure results.

Don’t forget to publish!



Get going on your research document. Remember it is important to show the sources of information you have gathered and where they have come from. We have covered some topics in the session but it is also important that you show that you have done your own research. Please ensure that this is all written in your own words. DO NOT COPY & PASTE from your research sources.

Collecting information on topic • Sources of information: . electronic media, e.g. blogs, podcasts, downloads, websites o printed media, e.g. newspapers/magazines/books o interviews o visits. • Identifying and selecting the key points from research

A.P1 Search for information on an agreed topic using given research sources.A.P2 Select simple information from given sources on the agreed topic.

Learning Aim B Present a summary of research findings into an agreed topic

Transferable skills • Planning: identifying key tasks to complete. • Finding out: information from research sources. • Managing information: selecting the relevant information, choosing appropriate sources of information. • Communication: through presentation of findings

Knowledge and sector skills Selecting a suitable topic • Investigation could focus on the local community or area, linked to a sector, hobby or an extra-curricular activity. • Agreeing investigation title and the scope of the research with tutor. • Agreeing deadline. • Ensuring topic is focused and manageable in the timescales. • Identifying key actions and milestones for the investigation such as setting up a log, organising visits, deadline for completion.

A.D1 Carry out a focused and detailed search into an agreed topic. A.D2 Select relevant information from sources that link clearly to the agreed topic.

A contents page is a list, usually found before the start of any writing, that outlines what is included in a piece of the work. Most commonly found in books, contents pages (or table of contents) are hugely important in helping the reader navigate and understand the text they are reading.

A title page is the first page of a paper or report that lists basic information, such as the title, author(s), course name, instructor, date, and sometimes the name of the institution.

Presenting findings of research • Summarising key findings. • Choosing presentation method, e.g. through a PowerPoint®, vlog, written handouts, oral questioning. • Explaining findings in a clear and concise way.

With this feature ... You can add additional content that will excite your audience’s brains: videos, images, links, interactivity ... Whatever you like!

Keeping a research log • Ongoing record of information researched. • Information on research sources, methods and key findings. • Ongoing record of information found out through a chosen medium such as a folder, blog, vlog (video blog).

The aim of the research is the overall purpose of conducting the research. It could be to add to the knowledge in the area, to address an existing gap in the knowledge, to devise and test a solution to an existing problem, and so on.

Learning Aim A Carry out research into an agreed topic

B.M3 Present a clear summary of research findings on an agreed topic, with reference to some of the research sources used.

A.M1 Search for information on an agreed topic using own and given sources. A.M2 Select mostly relevant information from sources on the agreed topic.

In findings, the researcher describes the process of calculating and presenting the research found. Whereas; in the discussion section the researcher will analyze the findings.

B.P3 Present an outline summary of research findings on an agreed topic

B.D3 Present a focused summary of research findings, with clear referencing to the research sources used.

It is your first chance to make a good impression on your reader. The introduction gives the reader background and context to the subject and the importance of your research.

A list of the written sources of information on a subject. Bibliographies generally appear as a list at the end of a book or article. They may show what research the author used in writing the article or book, or they may list works that a reader might find useful.

Conclusions should reiterate why your research is important. If done well, conclusions can leave readers feeling both satisfied yet hungry for more.