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Graphic Design


By Hawa

Sketch Modelling

Sketch modelling close sketch modelling is the concept of using quick, low-cost modelling techniques to create simple 3D physical models. is the concept of using quick, low-cost modelling techniques to create simple 3D physical models that allow designers to better visualise their idea than they could do by sketching.

What is Sketch modelling?

Working graphics

Isometric, or pictorial drawings, which represent an object in a three dimensional fashion by showing 3 surfaces of the object in one drawing. Orthographic, or plan view drawings, which represent an object in a two dimensional fashion by showing each surface of the object in its actual shape.

What kind of drawings are Orphograhic and isometric?

Perspective Drawings

Artists use perspective techniques to create a realistic impression of depth, 'play with' perspective to present dramatic or disorientating images. Perspective can also mean a point of view – the position from which an individual or group of people see and respond to, the world around them.

Why do we need perspective drawings?

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