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SME Action Plan

Action plan ideas

Support Model

SMART support

Major benefits

Competency model


A subject matter expert (SME) is an individual who has a deep understanding of a key business aspect and is responsible for sharing their knowledge with other stakeholders.

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Major benefits of a SME

it’s essential to assess and organize all processes, resources, and information associated with that business function to create smooth workflows.

Help streamline workflow

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From the outsourcers to the BPO. Within the BPO – from experts to new agents. From agents to end customers.

Better knowledge transfer

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This model provides a systematic approach to goal setting and ensures that goals are well-defined and achievable

SMART support

key performance indicators can help to understand user experience and measure feature adoption.

It's a management model based on personal traits. Competence is not static; it's dynamic and develops over time.

Behabiors subsequently influence how the organization itself behaves and how well it performs.

Competency model

Identify behavior

Identify the objective (KPI)

Support Model

Elements of the competency model

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It is important to develop interest and motivation, which are related to the will.WILLING TO DO


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The necessary skills and qualifications to perform the role.ABLE TO DO


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Required to know how toto perform the tasks andfunctions of the position.KNOW HOW TO DO


SPECIFIC - ESPECIFICOThe more specific an objective is, the more easily it can be identified.

TIMELY - TEMPORIZADOWe need to set a date for our objectives; they cannot last over time.

RELEVANT - RELEVANTEWe must ask ourselves WHY we set the objective. It must go hand in hand with our values and must take into account the needs of the subject.

ATTAINABLE - ALCANZABLEIt is crucial to be aware of the resources available to us in order to achieve our goal. We must be ambitious enough to stay motivated, but without going overboard.

MEASURABLE - MEDIBLEAn objective must be measurable in order to be able to quantify whether or not it has been achieved.

SMART Support

Support ideas

A SME’s experience and know-how enable them to spot inefficiencies and gaps related to communication, knowledge, resources, skills, etc., sometimes even better than team leaders.


"Point of Contact." This specific individual within the LOB wil serve as the primary contact for communication, inquiries, or problem resolution

Follow up tracker

Ensures that customer issues are resolved quickly and efficiently, leading to higher FCR.

Handle Que & Auxs

Balances the call load among available agents, preventing burnout and ensuring consistent a good service level.

Floor audit

Ensures agents are following protocols and providing high-quality customer service.

Thank you!

Truquito: La interactividad es la pieza clave para captar el interés y la atención de tu audiencia. Un genially es interactivo porque tu público explora y se relaciona con él.

¿Sabías que...En Genially encontrarás más de 1.000 plantillas listas para volcar tu contenido y 100% personalizables, que te ayudarán a narrar tus historias?


Truquito: La conexión emocional o engagement con tu contenido aumenta cuando consigues que tu audiencia se identifique con el mensaje que quieres transmitir.

¿Sabías que... Retenemos un 42% más de información cuando el contenido se mueve? Es quizá el recurso más efectivo para captar la atención de tu audiencia

First contact resolution or FCR refers to resolving a customer’s issue right on the very first call, with no follow-up calls.A higher FCR rate means low follow-up calls, which translates to more satisfied customers and reduced operational costs.


What is First Contact Resolution (FCR)?