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By Emilee Green


The Circulatory System

by Emilee Green

Introduction to the circulatory system

Your circulatory system has three main parts:

  • Heart which pumps blood around your body.
  • Blood vessels which carry the blood.
  • Blood.

Heart Chambers

The Heart

Your heart is a very strong muscle which contracts (gets smaller) and relaxes to pump blood around your body. A heart beat varies from person to person - for an average person it beats 60-100 times a minute. You feel this when you feel your pulse


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The Blood Vessels

Blood vessels carry blood. There are three types:

  • Arteries carry blood away from the heart.
  • Veins carry blood back to the heart.
  • Capillaries are tiny vessels which carry blood into your organs and tissues.

Blood Vessels

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white blood cell

The blood

Blood is made from four parts:

  • Red blood cells which transport oxygen.
  • White blood cells which protect against disease.
  • Blood platelets which help the blood to clot and form scabs to repair a cut.
  • Plasma which is a yellowy liquid that carries these cells and important nutrients around your body.

red blood cell

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