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Tang Dynasty
Sarah Riley
Created on December 6, 2023
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The Tang dynasty (618 - 907) is a revered time in Chinese history, as it was known for its advancements in diplomacy, academics, and the arts. China has excelled in these areas at other times, but this was an especially international time of tolerance, and cultural integration. As seen by the many foreign objects found in tombs, stupas, and found as buried hordes left by anxious cortiers in times of turmoil. This map will help you explore the very cosmopolitan nature of this dynasty. Hover over the map to begin exploring!
Dynasty - Art Map
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The Mogao Caves to the South East of Dunghaun are great evidence of the advancement and evolution of Buddhist art. There was a discovery in the 90’s that unearthed thousands of manuscripts and other artifacts in a cave now known as the Library Cave.
Mogao Caves
The Shoso Repository is in essence a time capsule, housing over 9,000 items from China, Southeast Asia, Iran, and the Middle East. This Repository holds many treasures of the Tang dynasty as they were items gifted between rulers and ambassadors.
Items Housed Include:
- Manuscripts
- Musical Insturments
- Ceramics, Metal Works, and More.
Further Item Education and knowledge
The Shoso Repository
This tomb artifact gives insight into the elaborate nature of dress and hair styles of the Tang period. This figure is of a courtly lady, as would be assumed by her elaborate clothes, and large detailed hair style as she is dancer.
- Mixed Patterns (Floral / Birds)
- Attention to Allowed Colors
- Elaborate Hair
Courtly Clothing of the Tang
Standing Court Lady
In this video you will see the progression of style through narrative story telling. It details the life of an imagined young girl of the Tang dynasty. As many court members used marriage as a means of diplomacy we see many works with women depicted in varied styles of dress. Some of necessity for travel, some as integrations of foreign beauty standards.
Sancai or the three color glazed artifacts are very striking. The Tang dynasty is responsible for this advanced glazing as well as many others. Seen in this video are a few items of Sancai wares from a private collection. The Tang was responsible for many glazing innovations, blue and white porcelain, Celidon, Sancai, Green ware, Huangdao ware, Mise, and many others.
Shipwrecks are known treasure troves if you can get to the items. Many items within this shipwreck can be attributed to the Tang dynasty. This wreck has produced stoneware as well as blue and white porcelain and changed the timeline for porcelain wares.