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Winter Event Portfolio




This portfolio will take you through everything i have learnt about event planning in this unit. Its a summary of class and home work thAat i have done for my winter event.


Unit 1

Unit 4

Unit 2

Unit 5

Unit 3

Unit 1.5

Unit 1.2

Unit 1.1

Unit 1

Event planning uses a variety of sectors each one has its own requirements and special characteristics to cater to the needs of the people attending and the organisers. Firstly, a sports event needs several When planning a sports event you should think about what kind of event you want it to be: A sports tournament is creating and overseeing tournaments for sports such as; football, rugby and cricket, these events could range from a local grassroots tournament to an international championship, this kind of event gives people the opportunity to show off and nurture not only their athletic ability but some skills that could reflect well in the workplace such as; leadership, teamwork and resilience. Another kind of sports event that requires careful planning and preparation is an athletic meet. An athletic meet is more commonly used for sports such as swimming, gymnastics, track and field. These events like tournaments can be a local meet all the way up to an international meet, in which individuals or small teams come together to compete and show they're abilities. Despite the fact that some may consider sports meets a waste, I think not only is it a way for people to test themselves and creates passion and drive to get better at their sport. In a sports event fan engagement is a key element, creating experiences for fans such as; fan zones, pre-game parties and interactive activities can make the public more interested in becoming a repeat customer. Making something that is enjoyable for fans is so key in being successful in planning an event, it can create many different types of advertising for your future plans and ideas, if a fan or customer has an enjoyable experience then they are more likely to spread the word to friends and family, post about it on social media or leave a review that potentially inspires other people to come check out what you are doing. Furthermore, another vital ingredient in creating a successful sports event is sponsorship activation. Allowing business' to invest money, time or equipment to your event could boost the over-all quality of the event. Allowing a business to sponsor an event is good for both parties, the event organisers receive something and in return they advertise the business, local events are commonly sponsored by local business' which is good for the economy of the town and can promote things such as supporting local business and shining a light on small business' that may cater better due to being from the same community or town as its fans. Finally, Tickets and registration is yet another important aspect, making sure that you manage ticket sales and sell enough tickets is vital to the success of these events, however in the past events have been known to sometimes sell too many which could play a major risk to the safety of everyone attending the event. Seating arrangements in sports in vital and changes depending on what sport you choose: Football for example is a cornerstone of separating the fans of different teams, this is due to health and safety risks as it is common for rival teams supporters to shout abuse and potentially try and hurt one another based on what team they support, so for the governing bodies of football it is vital to split the seating into home and away sections. However in a sport such as rugby the fans are allowed to sit wherever they choose as fans of rugby are less likely to try and fight and verbally abuse each other. I believe that sports events under the right regulations and rules can create a healthy level of competitive spirit that can show people either what they need to work on or can recognise people for their ability which can lead to improved moods and better health. I also believe it is good to not only hold it for international events but local too, holding local sports events can bring communities and people together down to the lowest levels of sports. Organising a corporate event includes many features, one of which are conferences and seminars. These allow organizers to spread information, research and thought leadership. This can be positive as it can bring some of the leading minds together to share their work and potentially better it. For the organisers it also brings in things like; revenue generation, brand awareness, networking opportunities, data collection, strengthening the community and professional development. For attendees it is also a very positive experience as it allows them to learn new information, network, develop new skills, a new view on varying perspectives, inspiration, problem solving and access to new resources. Secondly product launches create a lot of new and great positives to an event such as: Creating excitement, bringing brand awareness, competitive advantages, an increase in sales and revenue, market testing, media coverage, customer engagement, cross-selling and upselling opportunities, data collection, long term growth, brand loyalty and partnership chances. Creating brand awareness is vital to the success of a company, brand awareness can create opportunities to expand and grow your business into bigger and better things.

Unit 1.1

A contingency plan is like a game plan for when things don't go as expected. It's there to help us navigate tough situations, minimize damage, and get back on track faster. It's all about being prepared for the unexpected

The duties and responsibilities of an event planner are: Meeting with the client to understand the purpose, Planning the time, location and cost, Sourcing and negotiating with vendors and suppliers, Coordinating the logistics for customers, Managing for risks and troubleshoots, Assessing the events success.

Unit 1.2

Conducting a risk assessment for an activity during a charity event involves a meticulously planned process. First, potential hazards should be identified. This could range from physical obstructions that could cause trips and falls, to potential food allergies if catering is involved. Second, it's important to ponder who might be at risk and in what way. This includes considering attendees like children, seniors, or individuals with disabilities who may have unique vulnerabilities. Third, one must evaluate the risks associated with each identified hazard and contemplate the preventative measures to be taken. This step involves assessing the likelihood of each hazard causing harm and then determining counteractive measures. Fourth, findings need to be recorded and implemented. This means making a note of the identified hazards and laying out a detailed plan to mitigate them, followed by the practical application of these measures. Finally, an after-event review of the assessment should be performed, focusing on possible areas of improvement for future events. The ultimate aim here is to ensure a safe, enjoyable environment for all attendees of the charity event.

Incorporating health and safety requirements in the event planning process is fundamentally crucial. It serves as a preventative mechanism ensuring attendees can indulge in the festivities without any apprehension. This can involve various aspects, such as certifying the venue's safety, maintaining first aid provisions, and respecting food safety regulations if catering is involved. Essentially, these measures form the underpinning of a flawless event, allowing attendees to fully immerse in the experience, free from concerns about their well-being.

The incorporation of security measures is crucial when organizing a pub quiz. These precautions play a vital role in ensuring the general safety of participants, deterring any dishonest practices, and preserving an enjoyable and fair atmosphere. This could involve establishing explicit rules, assembling a dedicated supervisory team responsible for overseeing the event, or opting for secure digital platforms in instances where the quiz is conducted virtually. By adopting these measures, organizers can provide an environment where all participants can enjoy themselves and feel secure.

Unit 1.5

unit 2.3

unit 2.2

Unit 2.1

Unit 2

An evaluation is a method of recapping how successful your event was, it can be used to figure out what went well that you can do again in the future and what didn’t go as well that can be improved on

unit 2.1



It is important to evaluate your events because it can help you review any mistakes you or your team made in the run up or during the event so they may be fixed for the future and you can see what went well so that you can do it again


Show enthusiasm, smile, and maintain eye contact with your audience. 'The eyes, chico. They never lie.’ You’re bound to impress.

Data records-Records show the numbers for an event which can be useful as you can have an idea on how many numbers to expect when you next host an event.

Customer satisfaction surveys- a survey can use either quantative or qualitive data. Quantative data is the use of numbers to answer questions, this way of gathering information is easier to put into a graph however it is less informative. Qualitive data is about using words to gather information, this information is harder to put into a graph but more informative about what clients did and did not enjoy.

Staff Meetings- meetings allow all members if staff to be informed on their tasks and to answer question about how to complete those tasks, it also ensures that staff know what not to do. This is important so that the organisers can focus on more important jobs.

Establishing goals for an event is a crucial assessment tool since it helps the planners understand how the event is performing in comparison to previous years and whether there is anything they can do to improve it.

Unit 2.2

Interveiws- an in-person interviews are good as its quick and cost-effective however people may lie to you in their answer.

Questionairre- A questionairre is a list of questions given to a consumer about a product or service you have provided, these can either be multiple choice or open ended questions that allow the customer to tell you what they think about the product or service.

SWOT analysis- in a SWOT analysis is to list the pros and cons of the event, after this you figure out all the events threats and oppurtunities and create a plan around this.

Formal feedback-this is usually feedback that you recieve on a survery or questionairre, this information is stored digitally

informal feedback- this is feedbck you recieve from casual conversation either during or after the event.

Unit 2.3

Unit 3.3

unit 3.2

unit 3.1

Unit 3

IMarket research is very important to the first stages of creating a brand, it helps you figure out things such as; pricing, cost, competition, similiar products and target audience.For sporting events, your target audience is men, most men enjoy many sports and like spending time watching them through a tv or going to the event. For a corporate event you could target people in the age range of 18-65 as 18 is when you leave education and 65 is the average retirement age and between those two ages aot of people work corporate job.For a leisure event you would want to target people who have higher power roles as they typically earn more money and free time.it is relevnt to look around and see if other poeple are holding simliar events on the same night as it may make you lose clients, it is also useful as you can look into thier event and see if you could potentially add to your own.

Unit 3.1

It is important to promote an event well in advance, this gives potential customers and clients ample time to book in the date and sort out childcare, this also gives them time to use word of mouth to promote our event for free.It is also vital to keep a budget so that you don't overspend and potentially lose more money than required.Staffing an event is important as it helps the overall smoothness of the event and the effeciency, also over staffing an event is bad as it could overwhelm the customers and impact our budget but understaffing could lead to alot of problems.

IIn a marketing mix you need to consider the 4 P's which are; product, promotion,place and price, these can help steer customers towards your product intead of your competition.To use these for our event ur product is a quiz night, our promotion would be social media and the school student webste,the place would be the resturant at college and we would be low cost.You could have posters, social media, billboards, emails, ads on website and sales promotions.I believe that social media would be the best way to promote my event as it is so easy to get across to the public and your target audience.Time management is vital in the run up to an event as you want to make sure that everything is going to be good on the night and everything on the night is run on time.

unit 3.2

Skills needed to manage the event

1. Organizational Skills: Being able to plan and coordinate various aspects of the event, such as scheduling, logistics, and resource management, is crucial for a successful event.​ ​ 2. Leadership Skills: As a manager, you'll need to lead and motivate your team, delegate tasks, and ensure everyone is working together towards the common goal of creating a fantastic card-making experience.​ ​ 3. Communication Skills: Clear and effective communication is key in managing the event. You'll need to convey instructions, provide feedback, and address any issues or concerns that may arise.​ ​ 4. Problem-Solving Skills: Events can present unexpected challenges, and being able to think on your feet and find creative solutions is essential to keep things running smoothly.​ ​ 5. Customer Service Skills: Interacting with customers and providing excellent service is vital. Being friendly, approachable, and attentive to their needs will help create a positive and memorable experience.​ ​ 6. Creativity: A touch of creativity can elevate the event. Whether it's designing unique card samples, coming up with engaging activities, or creating an inviting atmosphere, being creative adds that extra sparkle.​ ​ These skills, along with a passion for the event and a positive attitude, will help you manage the Christmas card making event with great success

The Value Of Teamwork

Enhances Flexibility: Teamwork allows for quick decision-making and adaptation to unexpected situations. Enhances Customer Experience: A cohesive team ensures seamless and memorable event experiences, from customer service to logistics.Fosters a Supportive and Inclusive Environment: Teamwork fosters a supportive and inclusive environment, fostering a positive impression. Enables Sharing of Ideas: Teamwork allows for the sharing of ideas, ensuring the event goes as planned.

Efficiency: Tasks can be divided and conquered with a cooperative team, resulting in more efficient operations and quicker task completion. The event can proceed as scheduled if everyone does their share.Diverse Viewpoints: Every team member contributes their special knowledge, insights, and concepts. When you collaborate, you can draw on this pool of knowledge to develop original ideas and fresh perspectives on problems.​Motivation and Support: Although events might be taxing, having a solid team gives you a safety net. By supporting one another, sharing the workload, and offering encouragement, team members can raise spirits and keep each other motivated.

There are a number of significant benefits to having staff members briefed ahead of time. It first makes sure that everyone participating in the event is aware of their exact roles and duties. This makes it easier to prevent misunderstandings and confusion throughout the event.Secondly, the briefing offers a chance to convey crucial details regarding the occasion, including the itinerary, arrangements, and any particular guidelines or procedures that must be adhered to. This makes it easier to make sure that everyone is capable of doing their jobs well and is on the same page.​ ​ Important information like the objectives, purpose, and anticipated results of the event can also be shared during the briefing. This aids in coordinating the group's efforts and concentrating on producing an event that is successful and fulfils the plans.In addition, the briefing can be used as a forum to talk about emergency protocols, safety measures, and any possible hazards or difficulties that might come up during the event. This supports the creation of a secure atmosphere for the participants as well as the staff.​ All things considered, setting up a pre-event briefing for staff is crucial to fostering effective teamwork, coordination, and communication. It prepares the audience for a flawlessly planned and highly memorable event.

Graphic + text

The Importance Of Debreifing staff

It's crucial to give staff a post-event debriefing. It enables the group to evaluate its performance, draw lessons from past mistakes, and get better for upcoming occasions. Debriefing is crucial for an event for the following reasons:Reflection: During the debriefing, everyone has the opportunity to express their opinions and ideas into what went well and what needs to be improved. By highlighting opportunities for improvement and highlighting strengths and faults, this reflection promotes a culture of continual progress.Learning Opportunities: Employees can get insight from one another's viewpoints and experiences by talking about the incident. They can exchange creative ideas, lessons learned, and best practices that can be used to improve performance in upcoming events.Constructive comments and recognition are opportunities that are presented during debriefings. Team members have the opportunity to get performance evaluation that identifies their areas of strength and growth. Motivation and morale are raised when their efforts are acknowledged and valued.Problem Solving: The debriefing gives the team a chance to talk about any difficulties or problems that came up during the event. By being transparent about these difficulties, the group can come up with answers, put corrective measures in place, and stop similar problems from happening in the future.Team Bonding: Debriefing promotes cooperation and a sense of unity. It promotes candid communication, mutual respect, and teamwork among members, enhancing the group's overall cohesiveness and productivity.Recall that the goal of a debriefing is not to place blame, but rather to help the team learn and develop. This will help you become a better team player overall for any forthcoming events. It's a chance to acknowledge accomplishments, discuss areas for development, and make sure that subsequent events are even more successful.

Communication Methods

Employees at an event communicate effectively using a variety of techniques. These are the techniques listed below, along with further details.​Verbal Communication: Speaking and listening are components of verbal communication. Employees interact directly with stakeholders, participants, and each other through this manner. It makes it possible to communicate tone and emotion as well as provide prompt feedback and explanation.Non-Verbal Communication: Eye contact, gestures, facial expressions, and body language are examples of non-verbal communication. Employees strengthen their verbal communications, express emotions, and build connection with people by using non-verbal clues. It may contribute to making the event's environment upbeat and interesting.Written Communication: Emails, notes, reports, and signs are examples of written communication that uses written language. Employees communicate in writing to exchange critical information, give specific directions, and record event-related data. It guarantees understanding and offers a resource for further use.Electronic Communication: Using social media, text messaging, email, and instant messaging are examples of electronic communication. Employees use electronic communication to exchange information rapidly, plan logistics, and reach a large audience with information. It makes communication more effective and timely, particularly for big events.Employees may guarantee efficient information exchange, teamwork, and coordination during the event by utilising a combination of these communication techniques. Depending on the message's purpose and the target audience, each approach offers advantages of its own and can be applied strategically.

Potential Communication Barriers

Noise: Background noise can make it difficult for people to hear and comprehend one another in a busy event setting. In order to get beyond this obstacle, staff members can:Locate a calm area: Determine a specific space or room where staff members can converse without being overly distracted by noise.Make use of technology: To ensure that everyone can hear clearly, use headphones or portable microphones.Nonverbal clues: To augment spoken communications and improve comprehension, staff members can rely on nonverbal cues like gestures or visual cues.Language Barriers: Linguistic differences may occur at events where personnel or guests come from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. Staff members can take the following actions to address this issue:Offer translation services: Make plans for translators or interpreters to help in communication between speakers of different languages. This kind of app is available for any modern smartphone and will fix the problem.Employ visual aids: Employ visual aids to communicate information in a language-independent way, such as infographics, signs, and symbols.Simplify language: Staff members can improve comprehension by speaking slowly, avoiding jargon, and using plain, straightforward language when speaking with non-native speakers.Employees can break down communication barriers at events by being proactive and putting these tactics into practice. It guarantees efficient communication of information, teamwork, and a satisfying experience for all parties.An important idea that encourages inclusivity and justice at the events is equality of opportunity. It guarantees that everyone, irrespective of background or traits, has an equal opportunity to engage in, add to, and gain from the event experience. This is to ensure that everyone is included

They are displayed in this manner by:Accessible Facilities: To guarantee that people with special needs or impairments may participate completely, events should include accessible facilities and accommodations. Wheelchair ramps, accessible bathrooms, and sign language interpreters are a few examples of this.Non-Discrimination: Policies should be in place for events to avoid discrimination on the basis of nationality, gender, sexual orientation, age, or race. Everyone will feel appreciated and respected as a result of this. Diverse Representation: It should be the goal of events to include a range of speakers, entertainers, and attendees. This promotes a more inclusive and stimulating event atmosphere by showcasing various viewpoints and experiences.Fair and Equitable Opportunities: Ensuring that everyone has an equal chance to participate in events, network, and gain knowledge from one another is known as equality of opportunity. Open registration procedures, inclusive programming, and equitable resource access can all help achieve this.Events may foster an environment where everyone feels appreciated, empowered, and accepted by emphasising equality of opportunity. It facilitates the growth of diversity, creativity, and a feeling of community among participants.

Equal Oppurtunity Legislation

The Americans with Disabilities Act, the Equal Pay Act, and the Civil Rights Act are a few important pieces. The goal of these laws is to advance equity and equal chances for all people, regardless of their background. ​ Civil rights act: This legislation attempts to prohibit and combat discrimination on the basis of race, colour, religion, sex, or nationality. It encourages everyone to have equal rights and opportunities. Equal Pay Act: The goal of the Equal Pay Act is to guarantee that men and women are paid equally for equal labour. In order to provide parity for employees holding similar jobs, it forbids salary discrimination based on gender in the workplace. This act supports the advancement of equity and equality for all individuals in job opportunities.​


When someone is treated unfairly on the basis of their ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, age, differences, religion, or any other factor, that is discrimination. ​Additionally, an employer cannot reject a candidate on the basis of their gender, colour, sexual orientation, or any other factor. If they do so, it is against the law.

Customer Service

Making sure consumers feel appreciated and have a wonderful experience is the core of customer service. It entails paying attention to their worries, offering practical answers, and going above and beyond to meet and beyond their expectations. It's similar to being a helpful guide, assisting them with any problems or inquiries they might have. Building trust and loyalty with clients is mostly dependent on providing excellent customer service; this is what keeps the customer coming back.Providing excellent customer service at an event is crucial because it demonstrates your appreciation for both their company and for them as a person. This makes customers feel at home and increases their enjoyment of the event. Since people feel at ease in the setting, they are more likely to ask an event staff member if they have any questions.

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  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

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Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!