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10. Maryland colony 11. Virginia colony 12. North Carolina colony 13. South Carolina colony 14. Galery of characters 15. Glosary
Delaware colony










New Jersey colony

Pensilvania colony

New York colony

Connecticut colony

Rhode island colony

New hampshire colony

Massachusetts colony

Time line

WORK MADE BY : Ángela Nieto, Alejandro Gamero, Lucía Ramirez, Sergio Farfán y Inés Trigo



The colony of Massachusetts was founded by Puritan settlers in 1630 led by John Winthrop, who sought religious freedom in the new world. Massachusetts played an important role in the resistance against British policies, especially the Boston Tea Party (1773). In 1780, Massachusetts adopted its own state constitution, which influenced the writing of the United States Constitution.


It was founded in 1623 by English settlers from the Plymouth Colony (Massachusetts).Although initially a separate colony, it was for a time under the joint administration of Massachusetts. However, in 1679, New Hampshire gained a separate government.


Founded by Roger Williams in 1636, located in New England. Williams supported the separation of church and state, for which he was expelled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony. In 1663, King Charles II granted a royal charter from Rhode Island to John Clarke, which guaranteed religious freedom and established the boundaries of the state. Today, Rhode Island played an active role in the American Revolution and was the first territory to renounce the British crown in 1776.


It was founded in 1630 by English settlers, led mainly by Thomas Hooker. In the Revolutionary War, Connecticut played an active role, contributing troops and resources, and was one of the states that approved the United States Constitution. Years later it experienced economic advancement, especially in the textile and manufacturing industries.


Founded by the Dutch in 1624. After years of fighting over this region, the British called it New York. It was occupied by British forces and witnessed numerous battles such as the Battle of Saratoga. Over the years, New York has played a vital role in economic, commercial and cultural development. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France and symbolized the welcome of immigrants arriving from Ellis Island.


Founded in 1681 as a religious and political refuge for Quakers by William Penn.Pennsylvania was one of the signatories of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. After the Revolution, Pennsylvania became a state of the union in 1787.Penn received the land as payment for a debt that King Charles II owed to his late father. The colony was established as a place of religious tolerance and attracted settlers from diverse cultures.Pennsylvania was notable for its principled government that guaranteed fundamental rights and established a representative system.


It was initially established by the Dutch in the 18th century, but later passed to the British in 1664. The colony was known for its ethnic and religious diversity. In 1702, New Jersey became a royal colony; During colonial times, New Jersey experienced significant economic growth with prosperous agriculture and commerce. It was one of the states that confirmed the United States Constitution in 1788, becoming a state of the union.

Nueva Jersey colony

Delaware colony

Delaware had a complex colonial history. Inhabited by indigenous tribes, the area was explored by Europeans in the 17th century. Delaware was initially part of the Pennsylvania colony and shared an early history with it. In 1704, Delaware separated from Pennsylvania and became an independent colonial entity.During the American Revolution, Delaware played an active role and was the first state to ratify the U.S. Constitution.

The colony of Maryland was founded in 1632 by Lord Baltimore, with the purpose of creating a refuge for English Catholics facing persecution in England. Maryland was established with a policy of religious tolerance, which attracted settlers of various faiths. Maryland was established with a policy of religious tolerance, which attracted settlers of various faiths. During the American Revolution, Maryland was a key state and was the site of the Annapolis Convention in 1786, which led to the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention in 1787.


The colony of Virginia was one of the first English colonies in North America. The early years were difficult due to disease and conflict with Native Americans, but the introduction of tobacco cultivation to Virginia in the 1610s caused a major economic change.During the American Revolutionary War, Virginia played a crucial role and important battles took place, including the Battle of Yorktown in 1781, which was decisive in the colonists' victory..



It was founded in 1653 by settlers from Virginia and was initially just Carolina until it split into two colonies in 1712. The economy was based on agriculture, mainly tobacco and corn. This colony played an important role in the American Revolution and in 1781 the Battle of Guilford Courthouse took place, an important battle for the Americans. After independence, North Carolina became one of the original states of the United States in 1789.

It was founded in 1670 by English settlers under the command of Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper. The economy was mainly agricultural with rice, this was very successful and made this colony one of the most prosperous. They also played an important role in the Yamasee War between 1715 and 1717. There were also important battles in the American Revolution such as the Battle of Charleston. After independence, South Carolina was an original state of the United States in 1788.​

Colony of South Carolina

It was founded in 1732 by James Oglethorpe as a refuge colony for imprisoned debtors and as a defensive barrier against the Spanish territories of Florida.Oglethorpe sought to create a colony where debtors had a second chance and slavery did not exist.During the War of Independence there were important battles in this place such as the taking of Savannah by the English in 1778.After the war, Georgia became the fourth state in 1788.

Colony of Georgia

They funded the colony of New York.


Leader of the settlers who founded the colony of Connecticut.

Thomas Hooker

He funded the colony of Rhode Island.

Roger Williams

They funded the colony of New Hampshire.

English puritans

They funded the colony of Massachusetts.

Puritans settlers


James Oglethorpe

He funded the colony of Georgia.

Leader of the settlers who founded the colony of South Carolina.

Sir Anthony Ashley-Cooper

He funded the colony of Maryland.

Lord Baltimore

He funded the colony of Pensilvania.

William Penn


Una presentación genial es clara y estructurada

Governmetn: Pennsylvania was notable for its principled government that guaranteed fundamental rights

Conflict: In the virginia colony, the early years were difficult due to disease and conflict with Native Americans,

Major: the introduction of tobacco cultivation to Virginia caused a major economic change.

Play a role: The colony of South Carolina played an important role in the Yamasee War.

Settlers: The colony of Coneccticut was founded by English settlers.

Freedom: John Winthrop sought religious freedom in the new world.

Some examples :

Freedom: libertadSettlers: ColonosAdvocated: DefendidoCrown: CoronaTroops: TropasPlay a role: Desempeñar un papelGovernment: GobiernoMajor: importante Persecution: PersecuciónConflict: Conflicto