Alison de nova
Created on November 29, 2023
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Rollthe dice!
Snakes and Ladders:Tech Time Challenge!
Watching a show with your child while questioning them about it is a positive use of screen time, you may continue up the ladder!
Pre-screening television or internet video content before letting your child view it, is a positive use of screen time. You may continue up the ladder!
Feeling anxious or guilty for letting your child have more screen time than you’d prefer, is not a positive activity. You must slide down to the bottom of the snake.
Using your child’s screen time to call family members on video chat is an opportunity to socialize and a positive use of screen time. You may continue up the ladder!
Leaving the television on as background noise is not a good use of screen time. You must slide down to the bottom of the snake.
Allowing children to have screens in their bedroom (like a television) is not recommended. You must slide down to the bottom of the snake.
Not doing independent research and making uninformed decisions in relation to screen time is not a good habit. You must slide down to the bottom of the snake.
Choosing high-quality media that introduces new information is a positive use of screen time. You may continue up the ladder!
Letting your child watch television for more than one hour per day is not a recommended use of screen time. You must slide down to the bottom of the snake.
Allowing your child to engage in screen time alone is not a recommended use of screen time. You must slide down to the bottom of the snake.
Having open and honest communication with your doctor regarding your child’s screen time activities is a healthy habit. You may continue up the ladder!
INSTRUCTIONSEach player starts with a token on the starting square (usually the "1" grid square in the bottom left corner, or simply, off the board next to the "1" grid square). Players take turns rolling a single die to move their token by the number of squares indicated by the die roll.Tokens follow a fixed route marked on the gameboard which usually follows a boustrophedon (ox-plow) track from the bottom to the top of the playing area, passing once through every square. If, on completion of a move, a player's token lands on the lower-numbered end of a "ladder", the player moves the token up to the ladder's higher-numbered square. Each square has an info bubble, that contains positive and negative behaviors related to screen time. This will allow players to make the association between positive habits and negative habits as they relate to the snakes and ladders. If the player lands on the higher-numbered square of a "snake" (or chute), the token must be moved down to the snake's lower-numbered square. If a 6 is rolled the player, after moving, immediately rolls again for another turn; otherwise play passes to the next player in turn. The player who is first to bring their token to the last square of the track is the winner.
If the player's token lands on the lower-numbered end of a "ladder", the player moves the token up to the ladder's higher-numbered square
If the player lands on the higher-numbered square of a "snake", the token must be moved down to the snake's lower-numbered square
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