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Natalie Hopkins

Event PlanningTools

3. Online Planning Tools

2. Critical Path Analysis

1. Gantt Charts


Gantt Charts

5. Don't forget to save the chart in your OneDrive folder

Creating a Gantt Chart in Excel

3. Enter the project details into the 'Project Tracker' worksheet tab.

1. Open Excel and Access the 'Gantt Project Chart

4. Customise the appearance of the Chart (Optional), by right clicking and selecting 'Format Data Series'.

2. Enter the 'start date', the 'end date' should be the day of your event.

Critical Path Analysis

Critical path analysis is a business tool that allows you to plan an event. It requires the event organiser to draw out the set stages that the event needs to go through in order to get to the end.The length of time for each stage is included. By doing this it is possible to see the minimum amount of time needed, known as the critical path.

What is a critical path analysis

A ny delay in tasks on the critical path will result in a delay in the event’s completion date.Task - Complete a Critical Path Analysis for making breakfast, the choice of breakfast is yours.

Creating a Network Diagram and Identifying the Critical Path

Follow the steps to create a critical path analysis. Click on the '+' icon for more info on each step.

Step 1 - Identify Activities

Step 2 - Determine Sequence

Step 3 - Draw the Diagram

Step 4 - Estimate the Actvity Duration

Step 5 - Identify the Critical Path

Online Planning Tools

PAdlet Activity Link

Online Planning Tools

As well as the more traditional planning tools such as Gantt Charts and Critical Path Analysis, it is also possible to use online software and tracking tools to plan and organise events. Websites such as Eventbrite give planning guides and access to online services such as e-ticketing and marketing with help with event planning and delivery. Apps may also be used to help with online event planning, for example Doodle (a scheduling tool) can be used to put speakers, event hosts and attendees in touch with each other for free. PADLET ACTIVITY - find out the apps that are available for free to help organise events online. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of each. Which would be the most appropriate for your use (if any)?

Determine the sequence of activities

Identify the dependencies between tasks, i.e., which tasks need to be completed before others can start.Example:

  • Task B (Send invitations) can only start after Task A (Book venue) is completed.
  • Task C (Arrange catering) can start as soon as Task A (Book venue) is completed.
  • Task D (Set up audio/visual equipment can only start after Task A (Book venue) is completed.
  • Task E (Rehearse presentations) can only start after Task D (Set up audio/visual equipment) is completed.

Estimate the duration of each activity

Assign a time duration to each task based on realistic estimates.Example:

  • Task A: 3 days
  • Task B: 2 days
  • Task C: 4 days
  • Task D: 1 day
  • Task E: 2 days

Draw the diagram

Visually represent the tasks and their dependencies using rectagles and arrows. Each rectangle should represent a task or activity, and the arrows should show the direction of work and the sequence in which tasks should be performed.

List all activities required to complete the event

You should identify and list every task that needs to be completed for the event. Each task should be specific and actionable. (If you completed the Gantt chart first, you should already have these)Example:

  • Task A: Book venue
  • Task B: Send invitations
  • Task C: Arrange catering
  • Task D: Set up audio/visual equipment
  • Task E: Rehearse presentations

The critical path is the longest path through the network diagram. It represents the minimum time required to complete the event. Any delay in the tasks on this path will delay the entire event.Example:In the paths calculated above:Path 1 (A → B) = 5 daysPath 2 (A → C) = 7 days (Critical Path)Path 3 (A → D → E) = 6 daysCritical Path: Path 2 (A → C) with a duration of 7 days.

Identify All Possible Paths Through the network & Identify the Critical Path

Calculate the total duration of each path (sequence of tasks) from the start to the end of the project.Example:Path 1: A → B (3 days + 2 days = 5 days)Path 2: A → C (3 days + 4 days = 7 days)Path 3: A → D → E (3 days + 1 day + 2 days = 6 days)