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Discussing Learner Challenges


Next Session




Peer Feedback

Session Plan

Lesson Outcomes

Research Qs


Content Session

Tuesday 5th December:This session is a bit different - i will time you through each part!

For preparation you were asked to research:

  • The types of conversation and the stages of each conversation
  • The background of your learner's need.
  • Present your learner and the wider background of their need to the group
  • Conclude with the type of conversation that you will have with them
  • 2 mins per person!


Starter: Your Learner

In order to focus you conversation, you need to know what you want to learn from it. To do so you will write a research question that is based on your learner's individual needs and your research into the wider subject. A good research question should be:

  • Clear & specific
  • Avoid Yes/No answers
  • Relevant
  • Feasbile/Realistic
  • Original, interesting & motivating
  • Measurable



Research Questions

Find a peer that you do not usually work with and gather feedback on your research questions. Feedback should discuss:

  • Clear & specific
  • Avoid Yes/No answers
  • Relevant
  • Feasbile/Realistic
  • Original, interesting & motivating
  • Measurable
Redraft one question based on the feedback ready for a Go/No Go later


Question Feedback

14:00 in PL97 8.009

When -planning a conversation you need to think about the where and when. Which location will make your learner most comfortable? At which time of the day are they most engaged? WIll this happen within or outside of your lesson time?You also need to think about the physical setup of the space, considering how to make it functional as well as welcoming.


Planning the Conversation


The conversation with your learner should be laid out according to Konig's outline and include at least 2 interventions seen on the left). Don't forget to consider the Opening and Closing phases of the conversation as well as the others. A good opening sets the tone for a successful conversation and your closing may include planning another session or writing a next steps for the learner, so don't rush them!

Schedule & Interventions

  • How do you study for your English tests? What specific strategies or methods do you currently use?
  • What parts of English do you find most challenging, and why do you think you struggle with those in particular?
  • What specific strategies do you use when you study for other subjects? Are there any that are particularly helpful that we can use for English too?



Now you know what you need to cover and in what order, you can start to think of what you actually ask your learner in order to get the best and most productive information. Avoid questions that can be answered with a yes/no. Remember, each phase of the Konig outline should guide your conversation, and you should include at least 2 interventions.On the right are some ChatGTP generated questions to get you thinking...

Writing Interview Questions



Important infomation - The schedule for LT1 has changed, let's look together!Complete Conversation Schedule & Questions Check appointment for LT1 Feedback Round 1 (Teams-Files-LT1 Feedback)Prepare for LT1 Feedback using the notes attached.IMPORTANT - No attendance = No GoTheme 7 Global Citizenship w/c 15th Jan

Next Steps

In Groups:Watch the video on writing a good research question.Give concrete examples of how a good question achieves each point on the slide.Individually:Write 3 research questions (for your conversation) in your Learning Journal

Download the Conversation Schedule from Teams and save it to your leanring journal/folder (whichever i have access to).Using your notes from last session and yur discussions with your mentor/learner, complete part 1.Add your learning question AFTER your Go/No Go moment with me.

Whilst you do this i am going to call you out 1:1 to give a Go/No Go on your research question.If you have a NO GO you must redraft you question and bring to your feedback session.

- Prepare to show your outline and questions. - Formulate a feedback question (on the content of the task) - Set up a Scorion feedback form before your pitch:

  • In Scorion: Select a feedback form; rename Learning Task 1 round 1
  • Select feedback on learning outcomes I5 & I6.
  • Include a feedback question
  • Click on button next
  • Copy the descriptors on Knowledge into the knowledge box
  • Click on Save
  • Send to subject teacher

Go back your conversation schedule and add to it. Make sure to include the following:

  • General points you will cover in all 5 stages of Konig's conversation outline
  • Which interventions will/could happen where
  • Add sentences/actions where you show how you will support a safe and open environment

By the end of the sessions you can:

  • understand the purpose of a conversation outline
  • recognize conversational techniques and interventions
  • apply conversational techniques and interventions

Lesson Outcomes

Using your conversation schedule and interventions list, start to write some questions that you could use in different phases of your conversation. I used ChatGTP to generate a few - they are not perfect but give a starting point that you can build on using more specific and tailored information - give it a try (yes, its allowed!)