Professional Development Graphic Orgnaizer
Karla Delgado
Created on November 24, 2023
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Professional Development Models
Peer Learning
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Small-Group Delivery
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Whole-Group Delivery
Web-Based Training
Professional Development Graphic Organizer
Karla DelgadoCollege of Education, Grand Canyon University EDU 585: Designing Effective Professional Development Dr. David MimsNovember 30, 2023
Advantages & Disadvantages
Advantages & Disadvantages
Coaching & Mentoring
Advantages & Disadvantages
Advantages & Disadvantages
Advantages & Disadvantages
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- Networking
- Visiting other schools (Hopping & Stevenson, 2014)
- Conferences, Seminars and Workshops
Advantages: With coaching and mentoring a particular skill can be addressed. Teachers have the opportunity to work one-on-one, this builds encouragement, collaborative practice, accountability, and collective leadership, (Cronin, 2023). Disadvantages: Coaching and mentoring a veteran teacher can be hard, some teachers are set in their ways and do not want to change how and why they do procedures. Another disadvantage is alignment, personalities may take a toll between the mentor and the mentee.
The effectiveness of peer learning is the opportunity to work with colleagues in the same grade level, and or same school. Connections are stronger as well as prior experiences. Participants can peer observe each other and possibly cross teach, (Hopping & Stevenson, 2014). The sharing of ideas can help those around you instantly, (Fogarty & Pete, 2017).
- Generate experiences with your content.
- It’s got the Wow effect. Very Wow.
- Make sure your audience remembers the message.
- Activate and surprise your audience.
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The effectiveness of coaching and mentoring is that it is based on an individual plan. Given this opportunity, the participants can dive deeper into their building skills and knowledge. This kind of PD can serve as an implementation all year long. During that year, immediate feedback can be provided, lesson plans can be developed together, and data can be analyzed on given topics. With a mentor or coach participants can develop a sense of trust, shared knowledge, new ways of thinking, and unlock potential, (Cronin, 2023).
Advantages: Whole group PD offers a sense of community within the school. There is a consistency across the school when everyone is receiving the same training. Disadvantage: When there is a larger group of educators there may be a sense of being humiliated thus intimaidated to speak up in front of the group. If the PD is not relevant to all the participants there could be a loss of interest if not engaged.
The characteristics of peer learning can include PLC/PLT professional learning committees or teams. These peer learning models are working with information that is relevant and engaging. Most educators are motivated to learn from each other. With PLC/PLT teachers are given equality, choice, voice, reflection, praxis and reciprocity, (Stewart, 2014).
Advantages: Comparing and contrasting new ideas, and sharing resources. Fostering relationships with other colleagues and this model can also reinforce participants' learning. Another advantage is the perspective of others and information is not coming from a supervisory role but from someone in the trenches with you. Disadvantages: Some educators are not open to adapt or try new ideas in their classroom. Limited conversation, participant may feel too embarrassed to share their ideas. Finding time within schedules to have these meetings where everyone can meet together to discuss, (Stewart, 2014).
- Generate experiences with your content.
- It’s got the Wow effect. Very Wow.
- Make sure your audience remembers the message.
- Activate and surprise your audience.
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Bring it to life with an interactive window
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- Think-Pair-Share
- Buddy System (Fogarty & Pete, 2017)
- Metacognitive skills: questioning, predicting, summarizing, and clarifying (Hopping & Stevenson, 2014)
- Observations with reflections (Stewart, 2014)
- Data discussions (Stewart, 2014)
- Intervention
The biggest effectiveness of web-based training is that participants are self-directed. Depending on the training they can decide when and where to receive their information. If training is prerecorded, participants can choose when to start, pause when needed, and finish on their time. Some web-based training offers practice time, where educators can maneuver the site and ask questions on the spot while the instructor is present.
The characteristics of whole group delivery professional development aim at dedicating a faculty meeting, or in-service day to focus on a whole school or district objective, (Hopping & Stevenson, 2014).
The effectiveness of this model is that everyone is intentionally working towards a goal. Teachers are constantly participating, communicating, and collaborating. Educators are highly motivated because the object is related to them, (Fogarty & Pete, 2017).
The characteristics of a small group professional development work closely on the same objectives and or goals, (Hopping & Stevenson, 2014). These small groups also work on needs or SMART goals and meet throughout the year refining and working on goals, (Fogarty & Pete, 2017).
Coaching and Mentoring are usually brought on by a need. This need can come in many forms one being a needs assessment, another from observation, and still another from recommendation. The coaching and mentoring's purpose is to help others grow, and develop in their profession, (Cronin, 2023).
Key characteristics of Web-Based training are the information is correct, practical, and relevant. Participants are receiving information that can be used on the spot. Using technology can also build technology skills.
- Pair/Share
- Jigsaw
- Mind-mapping
- Graphic Organizer
- Book Studies (Hopping & Stevenson, 2014)
- Expand professional learning networks
- Online courses
- Participation including polls, discussions, breakout rooms/chat rooms
Advantages: One advantage of small group professional development is everyone feels comfortable contributing ideas and opinions. Another advantage is the opportunity to gather with educators all with the same goal and listen to each other.Disadvantage: A disadvantage may be that staff feel vulnerable when sharing their point of view/opinions with a smaller group. Another disadvantage that may come up is unequal participation, an even smaller group does all the talking or doing. Also, even though everyone is working towards the same needs, different teachers are at different levels and at different paces working towards those goals.
- lesson planning
- classroom management
- reflection discussion/feedback (Fogarty & Pete, 2017)
- observations
- ongoing PD
The effectiveness of whole-group delivery is that everyone receives the same information, skills, or strategies, (Fogarty & Pete). This type of format allows participants to work together to exchange ideas and put them into practice.
Advantages: Advantages to Web Based Training start with convenience. Convenience can happen in the home, in the classroom, or with other groups of teachers in their desired location. Web-based training can usually happen on the participant's own time if it's pre-recorded training. Cost efficient and does not require the participant or instructor to travel, (Fogarty & Pete, 2017). Disadvantages: Technology problems may arise and participants may lose connections. Technology takes away from hands-on participation. Participants can become easily distracted if not focused, (Fogarty & Pete, 2017).