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Liz SuchAnne McLaren Research Fellow

Exploring the prevention of modern slavery and human trafficking among women and girls with maternal health needs


1. Introductions and welcome (5 minutes)2. Overview of the Fellowship’s goals (10 minutes) +comments from AG (10 minutes)3. Work so far (20 minutes) Annex 14. Feedback and discussion (30-40 minutes)Next steps and close (5-10 minutes)

Introductions and welcome

Overview of the Fellowship

Exploring a public health approach to modern slavery: potential, problems and translating principles into practice, IASC & PHE J of Poverty and Social Justice 2022

Modern slavery and public health: a rapid evidence assessment and an emergent public health approach, Public Health 2020

Modern slavery in the UK: how should the health sector be responding? J of Public Health 2020

Modern slavery: a global public health concern, BMJ 2019

Modern slavery and public health, gov.ukPublic Health England 2017

Prevention of labour and sexual exploitation in the UK: What does or could work?MS-PEC with BASNET, WMASN and Sheffield 2022

A public health approach to modern slavery South West England proof of concept studyNHS England and Improvement SW, Unseen, OHID 2021

Refining a public health approach to modern slavery 2021PHE, IASC, Sheffield

Prevention focus

Building on previous work


Partnering and building equitable collaborations

Building a CoI

Ambition of a 'Prevention Hub'

3 year programme

Proposed schedule of work with some flexibility

Starting in September 2022 at the School of Health Sciences and partnered with the Rights LabLinked to the Maternal Health and Wellbeing Research Group

The Fellowship

OBJ1 Examine relationships between maternity and modern slavery - risks, protection, outcomesOBJ2 Examine (effective) 'whole systems' of prevention of exploitation of women and girls with maternal health needsOBJ3 Identify health, wellbeing and healthcare service economic costs OBJ4 Mobilise across maternal health systems

To build a more complete picture of how maternal health and wellbeing relate to systems of exploitation, trafficking and harm and what we can do to prevent it

Aims and objectives

Originally 3 Work Packages1. Evidence synthesis2. Consultation and participation3. (Coproduction and ) Mobilisation

Systems-informed methods Consultation, participation, case studies, consensus, knowledge mobilisation

Theory/approachSystems approachCritical realist theoryFeminist and critical race influences

Theory/Method/work packages

Work so far

Consultation with survivors


Workshop with survivors

May 20231.5 hour workshopRisks, protective factorsNarratives of challenges, feelings, dangers, hope


Desk work - CLD

Generation of the CLD from workshopsNotes, queries and questions retained.Sub-system diagrams


Discussion with survivors

Presentation of CLD, explanation, discussion, opinion, experienceExpansion of the 'what happens' questions

  • Re-iteration of the CLD
  • Creation of a dependency model - IF, THEN, OR, AND, ELSE
  • Discussion of 'likelihoods' of events happening - variety of views/experiences
  • Methods - of value, CLD rightly represents complexity, few 'places to turn' to find pathways positive outcomes, prevention outside of maternal healthcare system
  • Of interest - role of stigma and shame in pathways

Substantive and about the method

Outputs and insights

Let's take a look at the analysis

Miro board

  • Do we need to go further with the modelling?
  • Do we use evidence synthesis to support model building?
  • Do we look at points in the model that offers promising ways to build a preventative system?
  • (How) do we write this up? (How) do we involve survivors?
  • Do we engage in primary reseach to elucidate causal relationships?
  • Do we do something else?

What next?

