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music history

The history of Polish music began in the postwar period mainly under the sign of jazz. Also during times of war it was forbidden to listen to music such as rock and roll, pop, among many others, only jazz and typical polkas were heard. This was the case until 1950. Afterwards, the communist authorities considered jazz as a manifestation of sympathy towards their ideological enemies. Shortly they officially condemned it and prohibited its practice and promotion.

music history

Although the country is under a communist regime, Western music (rock'n'roll, pop, heavy metal, etc.) has had a great influence and has made young Poles dance since the early 90s. The country regularly organizes music festivals and among the artists of the so-called “underground” scene we can mention the metal group Vader.

Typical music

The typical music of Poland is polonaise, mazurka, krakowiak, kujawiak, oberek and polkas. These are the most relevant and interesting. Their musical composition is in 2/4 time and fast time, with a lively, cheerful, syncopated and polyrhythmic rhythm. Their main instruments are the accordion, saxophone, the sixth bass and the double bass.

Top 5:Poland 1ºBFF/Bambi,Young Leosia (158,199) reproduction) 2ºLast Christmas -Single Version/!Wham (150,010) reproduction 3ºSnowman/Sia (131.426 reproductions) 4ºFluid/ReTO,Wroobel (129,431)reproductios 5ºMam Cię/Palunch,Miroff y Poly (113.261) reproductions The dominant musical genres in the country are currently rock, hip-hop and pop music in particular with singers Edyta Górniak and Anna Maria Jopek.

the top in poland spotify

The most listened to genres according to Spotify in Poland are rock, hip-hop and pop music.

Most popular songs

Gdzie Jest Biały Węgorz(¿Dónde está la anguila blanca?)/ Cypis (42M ) Nie Daj Sie (Do not Give Up / Do not Let Go)/Doda(45M) Lubiła Tańczyć (She like`s dance)/ Rotary (56M) Stacja Warszawa (Estación de Varsovia)/Lady Pank (64.3M ) Kocham Cię jak Irlandię (I Love You Like Ireland)/Kobranocka(65M) Miasto budzi się (La ciudad se despierta)Paweł Kukiz & Yugopolis(50M)

Music that Poles listen to and genres

Poland is a European country full of traditional music and dance. Many radio stations exclusively broadcast popular songs and tunes. They can be distinguished into different categories: instrumental music from different regions, traditional songs, sung songs and dances, long, lyrical and narrative songs, which often relate historical events, folk music, Poles also heard jazz music with the newly formed Novi Singers group. In the 70s-45s it was one of the most popular musical genres in the country. They also listened to Big Band Katowice a lot.

sources of information

Popular Songs: https://www.yourtripagent.com/5069-top-10-polish-pop-songs-to-help-you-learn-polish Songs: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZEVXbN6itCcaL3Tt Information: https://www.songtell.com/es/cypis/gdzie-jest-bia-y-w-gorz-zej-cie Poland https://www.kavolta.com/2022/06/musica-de-polonia/

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