Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


What is the Columbian Exchange?



How to Play

You must find the items on my grocery list by exploring the aisles. Once you find the item, learn where it originated from by clicking on it. Next, answer the question to add the item to your cart by clicking on the . Finally, explain if the recipe would be a result of the Columbian Exchange.

Need a review on the hemispheres? Click the globe.

Use the icon to move back.

Need help with explanatory writing and some sentence starters? Click the .

Columbian Exchange

The Columbian Exchange is the exchange of people, ideas, diseases, plants, and animals between the two hemispheres, the Western and Eastern hemispheres.

The exchange gave people new food sources which caused the global population to increase. Diseases greatly affect the population in the Americas.


Recipe #3: Salsa (Medium)

Recipe #5: Design Your Own Recipe (Wicked Hard)

Recipe #4: Cheeseburger (Hard)

Recipe #2: Apple Pie (Easy)

Recipe #1: Peanut butter and Jelly Sandwich (Demo)

The Western Hemisphere includes North and South America.

The Eastern Hemisphere includes Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.

Oh no! Try again




Dairy and Bread

I'm feeling hungry for a classic. Your task is to make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Items: Peanut ButterBread Jelly


Task #1

First item: Peanut Butter

Where would peanut butter be found?

Dairy and Bread Aisle

Non-Perishables Aisle

Produce Aisle

Meat Aisle

Congrats! One item in your cart!Second item: Bread

Dairy and Bread Aisle

Where would bread be found?

Non-Perishables Aisle

Produce Aisle

Meat Aisle

Congrats!Another item in your cart!Third item: Grape Jelly

Dairy and Bread Aisle

Where would grape jelly be found?

Non-Perishables Aisle

Produce Aisle

Meat Aisle

Congrats! You have all the items for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

I'm ready for a fall dessert. Bring me the ingredients to make an apple pie.

Items: Pie CrustApplesFlour Sugar


Task #2

First item: Pie Crust

Where would pie crust be found?

Dairy and Bread Aisle

Non-Perishables Aisle

Produce Aisle

Meat Aisle

Second item: Apples

Where would apples be found?

Dairy and Bread Aisle

Non-Perishables Aisle

Produce Aisle

Meat Aisle

Congrats! One item in your cart!

Third item: Flour

Where would flour be found?

Dairy and Bread Aisle

Non-Perishables Aisle

Produce Aisle

Meat Aisle

Congrats! Another item in your cart!

Fourth item: Sugar

Where would sugar be found?

Dairy and Bread Aisle

Non-Perishables Aisle

Produce Aisle

Meat Aisle

Congrats! Another item in your cart!

Congrats! You have all the items for an apple pie.

I'm ready to party! I need something to dip my chips in. Bring me the ingredients for salsa!

Items: TomatoGarlic OnionPeppersLimeCilantro


Task #3

First item: Tomato

Where would tomato be found?

Dairy and Bread Aisle

Non-Perishables Aisle

Produce Aisle

Meat Aisle

Second item: Garlic

Where would garlic be found?

Dairy and Bread Aisle

Non-Perishables Aisle

Produce Aisle

Meat Aisle

Congrats! One item in your cart!

Third item: Onion

Where would onion be found?

Dairy and Bread Aisle

Non-Perishables Aisle

Produce Aisle

Meat Aisle

Congrats! Another item in your cart!

Fourth item: Peppers

Where would peppers be found?

Dairy and Bread Aisle

Non-Perishables Aisle

Produce Aisle

Meat Aisle

Congrats! More items in your cart!

Fifth item: Lime

Where would lime be found?

Dairy and Bread Aisle

Non-Perishables Aisle

Produce Aisle

Meat Aisle

Congrats! Another item in your cart!

Sixth item: Cilantro

Where would cilantro be found?

Dairy and Bread Aisle

Non-Perishables Aisle

Produce Aisle

Meat Aisle

Congrats! One item in your cart!

Congrats! You have all the items for salsa.

Please bring me the ingredients for a cheeseburger! And yes, I would like fries with that.

Items: Hamburger bunsBeefKetchup LettuceCheesePotatoes


Task #4

First item: Hamburger buns

Where would hamburger buns be found?

Dairy and Bread Aisle

Non-Perishables Aisle

Produce Aisle

Meat Aisle

Second item: Beef

Where would beef be found?

Dairy and Bread Aisle

Non-Perishables Aisle

Produce Aisle

Meat Aisle

Congrats! One item in your cart!

Third item: Ketchup

Where would ketchup be found?

Dairy and Bread Aisle

Non-Perishables Aisle

Produce Aisle

Meat Aisle

Congrats! One item in your cart!

Fourth item: Lettuce

Where would lettuce be found?

Dairy and Bread Aisle

Non-Perishables Aisle

Produce Aisle

Meat Aisle

Congrats! One item in your cart!

Fifth item: Cheese

Where would cheese be found?

Dairy and Bread Aisle

Non-Perishables Aisle

Produce Aisle

Meat Aisle

Congrats! One item in your cart!

Sixth item: Potatoes

Where would potatoes be found?

Congrats! One item in your cart!

Dairy and Bread Aisle

Non-Perishables Aisle

Produce Aisle

Meat Aisle

Congrats! You have all the items for cheeseburger and fries.

I see you are up for a challenge. Come up with your own recipe with at least 4 items.

Ideas: Sandwich PizzaTacos


Task #5

First item: ?

Where would your item be found?

Dairy and Bread Aisle

Non-Perishables Aisle

Produce Aisle

Meat Aisle

Second item: ?

Where would your item be found?

Dairy and Bread Aisle

Non-Perishables Aisle

Produce Aisle

Meat Aisle

Third item: ?

Where would your item be found?

Dairy and Bread Aisle

Non-Perishables Aisle

Produce Aisle

Meat Aisle

Fourth item: ?

Where would your item be found?

Dairy and Bread Aisle

Non-Perishables Aisle

Produce Aisle

Meat Aisle

Congrats! You have all the items.If you have additional items, feel free to mention them in your response.


Sugar is originally from Asia.


Turkeys originated in North America.

Where did garlic originate from?

Eastern Hemisphere

Western Hemisphere


Avocados are originally from North America.

Where did pie crust originate from?

Eastern Hemisphere

Western Hemisphere


Honey is created by honey bees which are originally from Africa.


Tomatoes are originally from North America and South America.

Beef/ Steak/ Hamburgers- Cows

Cows originated in Asia.


Potatoes are originally from South America.

Where did tomato originate from?

Eastern Hemisphere

Western Hemisphere

Where did peanut butter originate from?

Eastern Hemisphere

Western Hemisphere

Use these sentence starters

Need help getting started?

  • _____ (would / would not) be a result of the Columbian Exchange because...
  • The ingredient ______ come from _____.
  • Therefore, you ( would/ would not) be able to make this recipe before the Columbian Exchange.

Explanatory Writing

The primary purpose of explanatory writing is to increase knowledge. When writing an explanatory text, the writer answers questions of why or how.


Ketchup’s main ingredient is tomatoes which is originally from Central and South America.

Use these sentence starters

Need help getting started?

  • _____ (would / would not) be a result of the Columbian Exchange because...
  • The ingredient ______ come from _____.
  • Therefore, you ( would/ would not) be able to make this recipe before the Columbian Exchange.

Explanatory Writing

The primary purpose of explanatory writing is to increase knowledge. When writing an explanatory text, the writer answers questions of why or how.

Where did lettuce originate from?

Eastern Hemisphere

Western Hemisphere

Use these sentence starters

Need help getting started?

  • _____ (would / would not) be a result of the Columbian Exchange because...
  • The ingredient ______ come from _____.
  • Therefore, you ( would/ would not) be able to make this recipe before the Columbian Exchange.

Explanatory Writing

The primary purpose of explanatory writing is to increase knowledge. When writing an explanatory text, the writer answers questions of why or how.


Coconut is originally from Asia.

Where did limes originate from?

Eastern Hemisphere

Western Hemisphere

Bread (Wheat based)

Bread is made from yeast, flour, sugar, eggs, and oil. All these ingredients are from the Eastern Hemisphere(Europe, Asia, and Africa).


Pears are originally from Europe.

Where did onions originate from?

Eastern Hemisphere

Western Hemisphere

Flour (Wheat based)

Flour is originally from Southwest Asia and Northern Africa.


Cilantro is originally from Europe and Asia.


Cashews are originally from Central and South America.


Pumpkins are originally from North America.

Olive Oil

Olive Oil is made from olives which are from Europe, Asia and Africa.

Where did cilantro originate from?

Eastern Hemisphere

Western Hemisphere


Eggplants are originally from Asia.


Barley is originally from the Middle East.


Peanuts are originally from South America.

Sentence Frame _______ is from the (Eastern/ Western) hemisphere.


Bananas are originally from Asia.

Milk and Cream Products (from Cows)

Milk ( Cow produced) is originally from Southwest Asia.

Beef/ Steak/ Hamburgers- Cows

Cows originated in Asia.


Apples are originally from Central Asia.


Onions are originally from Middle East

Pie Crust

Pie Crust is made from flour, butter, sugar, and water. These ingredients come from the Eastern hemisphere (Asia, Africa, and Europe).


Peppers are originally from Central and South America.

Beef/ Steak/ Hamburgers- Cows

Cows originated in Asia.

Sentence Frame _______ is from the (Eastern/ Western) hemisphere.


Ketchup’s main ingredient is tomatoes which is originally from Central and South America.

Cheese (Cow Milk Based)- Mozzarella,Ricotta, and more

Cheese is originally from Asia.


Lettuce is originally from Europe and Africa.

Cheese ( Cow Milk Based)- Mozzarella,Ricotta, and more

Cheese is originally from Asia.


Limes are originally from Asia.

Beef/ Steak/ Hamburgers- Cows

Cows originated in Asia.

Where did ketchup originate from?

Eastern Hemisphere

Western Hemisphere

Where did cheese originate from?

Eastern Hemisphere

Western Hemisphere

Sentence Frame _______ is from the (Eastern/ Western) hemisphere.

Use these sentence starters

Need help getting started?

  • _____ (would / would not) be a result of the Columbian Exchange because...
  • The ingredient ______ come from _____.
  • Therefore, you ( would/ would not) be able to make this recipe before the Columbian Exchange.

Explanatory Writing

The primary purpose of explanatory writing is to increase knowledge. When writing an explanatory text, the writer answers questions of why or how.


Coffee is originally from Africa.

Use these sentence starters

Need help getting started?

  • _____ (would / would not) be a result of the Columbian Exchange because...
  • The ingredient ______ come from _____.
  • Therefore, you ( would/ would not) be able to make this recipe before the Columbian Exchange.

Explanatory Writing

The primary purpose of explanatory writing is to increase knowledge. When writing an explanatory text, the writer answers questions of why or how.


Yogurt is originally from Central Asia.

Tomato Sauce

Tomato Sauce’s main ingredient is tomatoes which is originally from Central and South America.


Cacao is originally from South America

Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter’s main ingredient is peanuts which is originally from South America.

Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter’s main ingredient is peanuts which is originally from South America.

Pasta (Made from Wheat Flour)

Pasta has wheat flour, eggs, olive oil, and salt. These ingredients can be found the Eastern Hemisphere (Africa, Asia, and Europe).

Hamburger Buns

Hamburger buns are made from yeast, flour,sugar, eggs, and oil. All these ingredients are from the Eastern Hemisphere( Africa, Asia, and Europe).


Beans are originally from North America and South America.

Where did sugar originate from?

Eastern Hemisphere

Western Hemisphere


Squash is originally from North America.

Lamb- Sheep

Sheep are from Asia.


Rice is originally from Asia.

Use these sentence starters

Need help getting started?

  • _____ (would / would not) be a result of the Columbian Exchange because...
  • The ingredient ______ come from _____.
  • Therefore, you ( would/ would not) be able to make this recipe before the Columbian Exchange.

Explanatory Writing

The primary purpose of explanatory writing is to increase knowledge. When writing an informative/explanatory text, the writer answers questions of why or how.


Corn is originally from North America.


Olives are originally from Europe, Asia, and Africa.


Peaches are originally from Asia.


Ketchup’s main ingredient is tomatoes which is originally from Central and South America.

Grape Jelly

Grape jelly’s main ingredient is grapes which are originally from Southwest Asia and Northern Africa.

Butter ( Cow milk based)

Butter is originally from Asia.


Oats is originally from Middle East.

Where did apples originate from?

Eastern Hemisphere

Western Hemisphere

Where did grape jelly originate from?

Eastern Hemisphere

Western Hemisphere


Garlic is originally from Central Asia.

Bread (Wheat based)

Bread is made from yeast, flour, sugar, eggs, and oil. All these ingredients are from the Eastern Hemisphere(Europe, Asia, and Africa).

Where did bread originate from?

Eastern Hemisphere

Western Hemisphere


Ketchup’s main ingredient is tomatoes which is originally from Central and South America.

Where did peppers originate from?

Eastern Hemisphere

Western Hemisphere

Where did beef originate from?

Eastern Hemisphere

Western Hemisphere

Ham/ Pork/ other pork products - Pigs

Pigs originated in Europe and Asia.

Where did potatoes originate from?

Eastern Hemisphere

Western Hemisphere

Beef/ Steak/ Hamburgers- Cows

Cows originated in Asia.

Beef/ Steak/ Hamburgers- Cows

Cows originated in Asia.


Chickens originated in Asia.


Turnips are originally from Asia.

Chicken Eggs- A product of Chickens

Chickens originated in Asia.


Vanilla is originally from North America.

Sentence Frame _______ is from the (Eastern/ Western) hemisphere.

Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are originally from Central and South America.

Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter’s main ingredient is peanuts which is originally from South America.


Grapes are originally from Middle East.


Lemons are originally from Asia.

Where did hamburger buns originate from?

Eastern Hemisphere

Western Hemisphere

Where did flour originate from?

Eastern Hemisphere

Western Hemisphere


Oranges are originally from Asia.

Corn tortillas

Corn tortillas are originally from North and Central America.

Pizza Dough

Pizza Dough is made from flour, yeast, sugar, water, and olive oil. These ingredients come from the Eastern hemisphere (Asia, Africa, and Europe).


Pineapples are originally from South America.

Dragon fruit

Dragon fruit is originally from Central America.