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Quien fue el protagonista del cambio de la iglesia en relacion a la democracia?

Cardinal Tarancon supported the Transition to democracy. The support of the ecclesiastical hierarchy was essential to understand the success. His work was also helped and supported by the "progressive" preists in favor of democracy.

¿Por qué la iglesia catolica espanola decidió apoyar la democracia?

There are a few reasons. One reason is that the Catholic social teaching endorsed democracy on the condition that it constitutes a protection of human dignity and moral law, and valued common good over individualism, the dictatorship. Another reason is that thje church wanted seperation between church and state, however Franco would not let that happen. With a new political system in place, the pope and the Bishops could make this a reality for the church and the people of Spain by using the more liberal atmosphere of the constitutional monarchy

¿Cuál es el papel de la iglesia catolica en la actualidad?

he Catholic church operates tens of thousands of schools and universities and colleges, hospitals, and orphanges around the world, and is the largest non-government provider of education and health care in the world. Among its other social services are numerous charitable and humanitarian organizations. The 1978 Constitution abolished Catholism as the official religion of the state, while recognizing "the religious beliefs of all Spaniards" and establishing "appropriate cooperation" with the Catholic church and other confessions. The Constitution also confirms the seperation of church and state while recognizing the role of the Roman Catholic faith in Spanish society.