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Effective Technology Use Classroom Management Tool: LanSchool

By: Jaida Freeman

Today we will be discussing a powerful tool to help manage our class' technology usage, especially when students are utlizing their laptops in a school setting. We will be discussing using the application called Lan School and how it can benefit you in the classroom when managing/monitoring students' technology use during class time.



We will discuss our chosen challenge of technology use in the classroom


We will learn about the application called LanSchool and its benefits of use.


We will learn how to use the LanSchool application in our own classroom.


We will analyze the research behind using the LanSchool application how it is an effective technology classroom management tool.

Purpose/Intended Outcomes

1: Tech-Based Challenge

Classroom Management: Setting up and maintaining classroom systems and positive behavior strategies in order to build and sustain a safe and productive learning environment.

In our last meeting we discussed your specific challenge with technology classroom management and this is what we collectively decided:How to monitor computer usage for all students and ensure they are completing the work instead of being on websites they are not supposed to be on, especially when teaching a small group.

Mentee-Specific Challenge

1: Tech-Based Challenge- Mentee Specific

What have you tried?

We discussed that you have tried the following strategies:

  • Walking around the room to monitor laptop usage
  • Verbal Reminders
  • Checking applications to see if online work is being submitted

1: Tech-Based Challenge- Mentee Specific

What worked and what didn't?

We discussed the attempted strategies listed were not that effective when trying to teach a small group and that walking around the room constantly is very time consuming and that it takes away from instructional time at your small group table. We also discussed that verbal reminders only work temporarily.

LanSchool is an online computer program that can be installed to monitor student laptop use and includes many other benefits to ensure they are using their laptop correctly during technology time.

2: What is LanSchool?

Some benefits include...

  • Monitoring all student computer screens at the same time on one screen
  • Remote control into any student laptop
  • Block certain applications


Let's watch this video from our school district that shows us how to use LanSchool in our own classrooms!


3: Using LanSchool in the Classroom

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Case Study: LanSchool Air enables Washington Elementary faculty to reclaim teaching time “LanSchool Air is really transformative. You get to be a teacher again,” she said. “The focus shifted from constantly circling through the classroom to check screens. It went from management to instruction. No one wants to manage all day. We want to teach; that’s our job.”

Cal State LA

According to Cal State LA Lanschool, "...helps instructors manage multiple student PCs in electronic classrooms from the instructor console and allows for better instructional interaction. LanSchool creates a computer lab environment where teaching and learning really take place. LanSchool gives control to teachers by allowing them to remove distractions, demonstrate skills, and monitor student activity."

4: Research Findings

Case studies: Lanschool & Lanschool Air Classroom Management & Guidance Software. LanSchool LanSchool Air Classroom Management Guidance Software. (n.d.-a). https://lanschool.com/resource-center/case-studies CMCSS instructional technology - lanschool. CMCSS Instructional Technology - Lanschool. (n.d.). https://sites.google.com/cmcss.net/instructionaltechnology/tech-tips/lanschool Google. (n.d.). LanSchool User Guide. Google Drive. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gdbPFWr_vNFjROTrJz_LOs3x-IGeqjoH/view Lanschool. LanSchool | Cal State LA. (n.d.). https://www.calstatela.edu/its/software/lanschool

4: Research Findings- References