Urbanization in North Carolina
Laila Waddell
Created on November 21, 2023
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Research Design
Laila Waddell
urban sprawl ain't equal y'all
5. Results & Analysis
4. Methodology
6. Discussion
3. Hypothesis
2. Supporting Literature
1. Introduction
Table of Contents
- There has been a growing trend of urbanization in the Southeastern region of the United States due to industry expansion
- North Carolina's population has grown increasingly urbanized. This demographic shift has implications on the limits of large cities and smaller incorporated areas; however, these changes in land classification are often left unvisualized about population change by county
Does urbanization exacerbate the environmentally toxic hazards that disproportionately impact minority communities?
- Communities of Black and Brown people continue to be among the most densely populated nonwhite communities in the Southeast
- These populations have faced discriminatory and racist laws and practices that have harmed their well-being and health
- Historically, this process has been linked to a lack of access to green spaces, clean water, and health services, further exacerbating the hazards these communities confront
Research Question
Statement of The Problem
- First-hand experience
- Metropolitization of Charlotte and Raleigh
- Prior Research: Environmental Racism in New Orleans; Hurricane Katrina with housing and transportation segregation and the placement of hazardous plants and sites
The relationship between metropolitan expansion and environmental and social inequities in North Carolina
Preliminary Research
- Historically, environmental risks have disproportionately impacted minority and low-income areas. These communities frequently lack the political and economic resources needed to minimize the consequences of environmental dangers
- Hazardous waste dumps and polluting companies in minority and low-income neighborhoods. Hazardous facility location has led in negative health effects such as increased incidence of asthma, cancer, and other disorders among susceptible communities.
- As North Carolina continues to grow and develop, an increasing number of individuals are being displaced in their communities, posing increased dangers to health and general wellness in metropolitan areas
"Racial minorities and low-income households are disproportionately likely to live near a major road [e.g., 27% of racial minorities vs. 19% of the total population lived near high traffic volume roads in the United States in 2010." (Clark, L. P., Millet, D. B., & Marshall, J. D. 2017)
"Exclusionary housing policies concentrate housing inequities, disproportionately exposing Black communities to environmental pollutants, and isolating them from essential health resources such as healthy food options, hospitals, pharmacies, and green spaces." (Henderson, S., & Wells, R. (2021)
“Local incinerators, sewage treatment plants, military facilities, and other public facilities have impacted heavily on low-income communities and communities of color.” “Although this problem is discussed generally in the context of urbanization of less developed countries, urban migration has radical environmental effects…” (Michel Gelobter, Ph.D. 1994)
“The decline of nearby job opportunities, increased ease of travel to better-paying jobs, and a better-educated nonmetro labor force all contribute to increased long-distance commuting on the part of workers already living near enough to metro areas.” (Cromartie, J.B. 2006)
“Geographically, over 60 percent of newly designated metropolitan counties are located in the South…”“Metropolitan counties have the highest percentage of racial minority population…” (Brown, D. L. 1979)
Despite the vast documental evidence surrounding the intersections of urbanization and environmental injustice, especially in the Southeastern region, more research needs to be done in North Carolina on this social-environmental correlation.H1: The presence of urban development increases the likelihood of minority communities being directly impacted by environmentally toxic hazards.
- This research utilizes two federal datasets: The Environmental Protection Agency’s 2023 EJ Screen Data (EPA) and the United States Department of Agriculture's 2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes (USDA).
- Independent variables: Marginalization & Urbanization
- Dependent variables: Air Toxics Cancer Risk, Toxic Releases to Air, and Hazardous Waste Proximity
Results &analysis
Participants' replies are confidential, promoting honest feedback. Data will be handled appropriately and that individual replies will be hidden.
Raise Awareness
Their answers will further illuminate a topic that has been neglected by larger research facilities, urban planners, policymakers, and many more
Data Analysis
Majority of data collection will be quantitative, therefore data analysis will be more objective
New research
Will require a whole new scope of the problem to be discovered. Requires data never collected before in limited time
Skewed data
Risk of significant non-participation from the targeted group. Non-responders differ from respondents, the survey findings may not correctly reflect the population
Implicit Bias
No method in place to account for implicit biases in survey responses. Individual biases, emotions, and personal opinions may impact fundamentally subjective testimonials
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