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Task 3 Definition of intra-sectoral and transectoral strategies

Contamination of the water of theChiticuy River, Las Lajas sector of the city of Duitama - Boyacá.

The contamination of the water of the Chiticuy River, Las Lajas sector of the city of Duitama - Boyacá.It is observed by different factors such as:1. Leaks in the sewage system, direct disposal of wastewater.2. Contamination by agrochemicals and other pollutants because large areas for livestock and agriculture are located there.3. Pollution from garbage that some people throw in the landfill.

Relevant factors related to the exposed situation

Economic level

Deteriorating water quality slows that growth, worsens health conditions, reduces food production and exacerbates poverty in many countries,” said David Malpass, president of the World Bank Group.

Social level

1. Represents a substantial deficiency in the quality of life of an entire community2. Serious illnesses will increase 3. Infant and vulnerable population mortality will increase.

Impact at a social, economic, environmental and health level.

At the health level

1. impoverishes aquatic ecosystems. 2. facilitates the uncontrolled proliferation of phytoplankton algae in lakes. 3. Decreases oxygen 4. Alteration of the food chain

Impact at a social, economic, environmental and health level.

Unfortunately, the current state of the river remains worrying as it remains polluted. Pollution comes from various sources, such as organic and chemical waste, or even lack of wastewater treatment. It is essential to take measures to reduce and control pollution, promoting sustainable practices and educating the community about the importance of taking care of our water resources. Furthermore, it is necessary for authorities and citizens to work together to implement effective solutions and ensure the health and well-being of our river.

Current status of the situation

An intra-sector strategy to address the problem of water contamination of the Chiticuy River in the Las Lajas sector of the city of Duitama - Boyacá would consist of: Strengthening the wastewater treatment system: Investments should be made in the wastewater treatment system to ensure that the water is treated before being discharged into the river. Improved water quality monitoring and control: A water quality monitoring system should be established to detect the presence of contaminants and take measures to reduce contamination. Community participation: The local community should be involved in monitoring and controlling water quality to encourage social responsibility and awareness about the importance of river cleanliness.

Intra-sector strategy (health sector) and a trans-sector strategy(articulate with the environment and other related sectors)

On the other hand, a cross-sector strategy to address the problem of water contamination of the Chiticuy River in the Las Lajas sector of the city of Duitama - Boyacá would consist of: Articulate with the environmental sector: work with environmental authorities to implement measures that reduce air, soil, and water pollution in the area. Articulate with the agricultural sector: measures must be implemented to reduce the use of agrochemicals and improve environmentally friendly agricultural practices.For these strategies to be effective, they must have the support of community leaders and local authorities, since teamwork and intersectoral collaboration are key to addressing these complex problems.

Intra-sector strategy (health sector) and a trans-sector strategy(articulate with the environment and other related sectors)

Implement efficient solid waste management systems to prevent untreated waste from entering the river.

Proposed strategies

Conduct regular water quality monitoring to identify sources of contamination and understand the magnitude of the problem.

Promote environmental education to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining the health of the river.

Involve the local community in identifying problems and seeking solutions.

Implement policies that promote corporate environmental responsibility and waste reduction.

Strengthen and enforce environmental laws and regulations related to water management.

-Name campaign

“I love the Chiticuy River, Las Lajas sector of the city of Duitama – Boyacá.”

How the pollution effect is generated by laundries that are located on the road to Santa Rosa de Viterbo and by possible leather companies. This river is one of the main water sources of the city and this situation mainly affects the Duitamenses farmers. Duitamenses Peasants One of the sources of pollution of the Chiticuy River is agriculture, so the community is asked to take into account the following challenges: “It is a challenge for everyone”


Introduction of natural predators of the most common pests.

Another useful tool is integrated pest management, which combines the strategic use of pest-resistant agricultural varieties with crop rotation

Improve drainage control facilities.

GOAL: Raise awareness among 75% of the rural peasant population of the municipalities of Santa Rosa de Viterbo and Duitama, as follows:

Minimize the use of fertilizers and pesticides.

Establish buffer zones along water resources and farm boundaries

Scope or who it is directed to (community, institutions, etc.)

This campaign will be disseminated with community leaders, agrochemical companies and municipal control entities.


Visual piece

bibliographic references

Avendaño, William; Aguilar, Daniel. (2014). Geopolitica y medio ambiente: una mirada a la problemática de los desplazados ambientales. Edo, V.S; Sanabria, J.A (2020). Estudio sobre el estado del arte de la aplicación del modelo de economía circular en el sector salud. https://repository.eafit.edu.co/handle/10784/26515 Godoy-Casasbuenas, N., Franco, M., Lozano, J. M., Gore-Saravia, N., & de Integración Intersectorial, G. (2017). Importancia de la intersectorialidad en la investigación para la salud: conectando comunidades, científicos y tomadores de decisiones. https://www.revistamedicina.net/index.php/Medicina/article/view/117-1 https://bibliotecavirtual.unad.edu.co/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edsdnp&AN=edsdnp.6555007ART&lang=es&site=eds-live&scope=site Luelmo, A; Cabo, F (2020). La economía circular. https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/45727 Organización Panamericana de la Salud - OPS- y Organización Mundial de la Salud Oficina Regional para las Américas -OMS- (2013). Seminario 1: Desafíos para la salud pública y el desarrollo sostenible y Seminario 3: cambio climático y salud. En: Salud, ambiente y desarrollo sostenible: hacia el futuro que queremos. Washington, 2013., pp., 1- 19. https://www.paho.org/hq/dmdocuments/2013/seminario-rio-20-spa.pdf


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